Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | ICCN (TGI) |
Section CNU : | 49 |
Téléphone : | +33 |
e-mail : | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Publications associées :
3 publications trouvées2021
Cross-cultural evaluation of the French version of the Delusion Assessment Scale (DAS) and Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS)
Plos One, vol. 16, p. 250492

Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the french version of the gilles de la tourette syndrome quality of life scale (gts-qol)
plos one, vol. 15, p. 0243912
2020 dec

Health-related quality of life among community-dwelling people aged 80 years and over: a cross-sectional study in France.
health and quality of life outcomes, vol. 18, p. 126
2020 may

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