Boyer Louis
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | CaVITI (TGI) |
Section CNU : | 43 |
Téléphone : | +33 |
e-mail : | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Publications associées :
34 publications trouvées2022
High-flow priapism: Highly selective embolization of a traumatic arterio-cavernosal fistula
Journal de Médecine Vasculaire, vol. 47, p. 27

L’intoxication au monoxyde de carbone en une image Carbon monoxide poisoning into one image
Journal d'imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle, vol. 5, p. 16

A late arterial complication related to veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a child
JMV-Journal de Médecine Vasculaire, vol. 46, p. 197

Anterior ischemic stroke: Comparison of two clinical outcome prediction scores through the investigation of cerebral collaterals using multiphase CT angiography
Journal of Neuroradiology, vol. 48, p. 438

Biodosimetry in interventional radiology: cutaneous-based immunoassay for anticipating risks of dermatitis
European Radiology, vol. 31, p. 7476

Fluoroscopy guided electrode-array insertion for cochlear implantation with straight electrode-arrays: a valuable tool in most cases
European Archives of Oto-Rhino- Laryngology, vol. 278, p. 965

Intravascular foreign body retrieval: Three techniques in one patient
JMV-Journal de Médecine Vasculaire, vol. 46, p. 42

Male sex is associated with cervical artery dissection in patients with fibromuscular dysplasia
journal of the american heart association, vol. 10, p. 1
2021 may

Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of parotid tumors: A systematic review
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, vol. 102, p. 121

Optimized radiological alert thresholds based on device dosimetric information and peak skin dose in vascular fluoroscopically guided intervention
European Radiology, vol. 31, p. 3027

Position paper on stress cardiac mri in chronic coronary syndrome: endorsed by the societe francaise de radiologie (sfr) the societe francaise d'imagerie cardiovasculaire (sficv) and the societe francaise de cardiologie (sfc)
diagnostic and interventional imaging, vol. 102, p. 337
2021 mar

Prise en charge du patient en hospitalisation ambulatoire pour la réalisation d’un traitement de radiologie interventionnelle (RI)Management of the ambulatory patients for an interventional radiology (IR) treatment
Journal d'imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle, vol. 4, p. 3

Proposals for the use of artificial intelligence in emergency radiology
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, vol. 102, p. 63

Séquence d’estimation de l’âge osseux à l’aide de l’association de méthodes manuelle et automatisée : application en médecine légale Sequence for estimating bone age using a combination of manual and automated methods: Application in forensic medicine
La Revue de Médecine Légale, vol. 12, p. 116

The role of computed tomography in adrenal gland infarction diagnosis during pregnancy: Two case reports
JMV-Journal de Médecine Vasculaire, vol. 46, p. 28

Cerebral venous thrombosis: report of 2 cases of hemorrhagic venous infarction
Radiology Case Reports, vol. 15, p. 1295

Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: An Update
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, vol. 43, p. 1740

Combined biembolization induces higher hypertrophy than portal vein embolization before major liver resection
HPB, vol. 22, p. 298

European guidelines on chronic mesenteric ischaemia – joint United European Gastroenterology, European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition, European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Netherlands Association of Hepatogastroenterologists, Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, and Dutch Mesenteric Ischemia Study group clinical guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic mesenteric ischaemia
United European Gastroenterology Journal, vol. 8, p. 371

Joint Position Paper of the Working Group of Pacing and Electrophysiology of the French Society of Cardiology (SFC) and the Société française d’imagerie cardiaque et vasculaire diagnostique et interventionnelle (SFICV) on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cardiac electronic implantable devices
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, vol. 101, p. 507

Pneumatosis intestinalis with pneumoperitoneum: Not always a surgical emergency
Radiology Case Reports, vol. 15, p. 2459

Tomorrow’s medical imaging builds on today’s foundations - Prevention, care and innovation at the service of patients: A program for radiology and medical imaging
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, vol. 101, p. 123

Improving image quality of mid trimester fetal sonography in obese: the role the ultrasound propagation velocity
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol., vol. 1, p. 1
2018 jan

Shear wave elastography safety in fetus: A quantitative health risk assessment.
Diagn Interv Imaging., vol. 99, p. 519--524

Validation of Cadmium–Zinc–Telluride camera for measurement of left ventricular systolic performance
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol. 25, p. 1029--1036
2018 jun

Combined preoperative portal and hepatic vein embolization (biembolization) to improve liver regeneration before major liver resection: a preliminary report
world journal of surgery, vol. 41, p. 1848--1856
2017 jul

Ct patterns of acute type a aortic arch dissection: longer, higher, more anterior.
the british journal of radiology, vol. 90, p. 20170417
2017 oct

Interventional endoscopic ultrasound: a new promising way for intrahepatic portosystemic shunt with portal pressure gradient
endoscopic ultrasound, vol. 6, p. 394

Improving image quality of mid trimester fetal sonography in obese: the role the ultrasound propagation velocity
41emes journees nationales du cngof.
2017 dec

Personalized mapping of the deep brain with a white matter attenuated inversion recovery (wair) sequence at 1.5-tesla: experience based on a series of 156 patients
neurochirurgie, vol. 62, p. 183--189

Comparison of two transarterial chemoembolization strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
anticancer research, vol. 34, p. 7247--53
2014 dec

Menses recovery and fertility after artery embolization for pph: a single-center retrospective observational study
european radiology, vol. 19, p. 481--487
2009 feb

[response of d. gallot et al to the article of j.-p. pelage and o. limot. role of arterial embolization in the care of serious hemorrhages immediately postpartum. gynecol obstet fertil 2008;36:714-20].
gynecologie obstetrique \& fertilite, vol. 37, p. 459--460
2009 may

[endovascular treatment of svc syndrome from neoplastic origin: a review of 34 cases].
journal de radiologie, vol. 89, p. 881--890

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