Khalil Toufic
Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | ICCN (TGI) |
Section CNU : | 49 |
Téléphone : | +33 |
e-mail : | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Publications associées :
23 publications trouvées2022
Neural correlates of consciousness and related disorders: from phenotypic descriptors of behavioral and relative consciousness to cortico-subcortical circuitry
neurochirurgie, vol. 68, p. 112--122
Preoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases: the step study protocol for a multicentre, prospective, phase-ii trial
bmc cancer, vol. 21, p. 864
Challenging foreign body surgery: residual needlefish jaws
british journal of neurosurgery, vol. 1, p. 1
Long-term outcomes after linac radiosurgery for benign meningiomas
clinical oncology, vol. 32, p. 452
2020 jul
Patterns of failure after linear accelerator radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations
world neurosurgery, vol. 136, p. 141
2020 apr
Postoperative empyema following chronic subdural hematoma surgery: Clinically based medicineEmpyèmes post-chirurgie des hématomes sous duraux chroniques : médecine basée sur la clinique
Neurochirurgie, vol. 66, p. 365
Radiochirurgie fonctionnelle~: indications et perspectives
cancer radiotherapie, vol. 24, p. 166
2020 apr
Transcriptional alterations in glioma result primarily from dna methylation independent mechanisms
genome research, vol. 29, p. 1605
2019 oct
Fractionated radiotherapy and radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas
neurochirurgie, vol. 64, p. 29--36
2018 mar
Second course of stereotactic radiosurgery for locally recurrent brain metastases: safety and efficacy
plos one, vol. 13, p. 0195608
2018 apr
Detection of the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway in malignant gliomas for improved molecular diagnosis
journal of neuro-oncology, vol. 135, p. 381--390
Non-invasive intraoperative monitoring of cochlear function by cochlear microphonics during cerebellopontine-angle surgery
european archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, vol. 275, p. 59--69
2017 oct
Radiotherapy plus temozolomide in elderly patients with glioblastoma: a "real-life" report
radiation oncology, vol. 12, p. 197
2017 dec
Personalized mapping of the deep brain with a white matter attenuated inversion recovery (wair) sequence at 1.5-tesla: experience based on a series of 156 patients
neurochirurgie, vol. 62, p. 183--189
Stat3 serine 727 phosphorylation: a relevant target to radiosensitize human glioblastoma
brain pathology, vol. 26, p. 18--30
Glioblastome du sujet age : etat de l'art
bulletin du cancer, vol. 102, p. 277--286
2015 mar
Medico-economic analysis of a neurosurgery department at a university hospital
neurochirurgie, vol. 61, p. 2--15
Analyse medico-economique d'un service de neurochirurgie en centre hospitalier et universitaire
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2014 dec 8
Interet de l'imagerie en tenseur de diffusion et sequence de perfusion dans l'evaluation du degre d'infiltration tumorale de la substance blanche des tumeurs cerebrales de haut grade
congres de la societe francaise de neurochirurgie et de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2014 may 21
Radiotherapie des meningiomes intracraniens
congres de la societe francaise de neurochirurgie et de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2014 may 21
Advanced neuroimaging with computed tomography scanning
theory and applications of ct imaging and analysis intechopen publisher
2011 apr
Stimulation cerebrale profonde : evenements indesirables au cours de 184 procedures
congres de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2010 may 26
Etude anatomique du thalamus en irm 4,7 tesla et apport pour la segmentation manuelle des noyaux intrathalamiques en chirurgie stereotaxique
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2007 nov 25
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