Debost Legrand Anne
Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | DeciSiPH (TGI) |
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Publications associées :
61 publications trouvées2022
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the EXIT to Measure Women’s Experiences of Induction of Labor
Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 11, p. 4217
2022 jul 20
Does the quality of postpartum hemorrhage local protocols improve the identification and management of blood loss after vaginal deliveries? a multicenter cohort study
healthcare, vol. 10, p. 992
2022 jun
Cost-effectiveness threshold of first-trimester Down syndrome maternal serum screening for the use of cell-free DNA as a second-tier screening test
Ann Biol Clin (Paris), vol. 4, p. 331
Measuring the readiness to screen and manage intimate partner violence: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the PREMIS tool for perinatal care providers
Plos One, vol. 16, p. 258943
Protocol for the e-powus project: multicentre blinded-randomised controlled trial of ultrasound speed choice to improve sonography quality in pregnant women with obesity
bmj open, vol. 11, p. 038684
2021 sep
Validation de la version française d'un outil de dépistage des violences conjugales faites aux femmes, le WAST (Woman Abuse screening Tool)
BEH, vol. 2, p. 32
Validation of the ‘EPICES’ social deprivation score in a population of women who have just given birth: a French cross-sectional study
Public Health, vol. 201, p. 19
Validation of the French Women Abuse Screening Tool to routinely identify intimate partner violence
Eur J Public Health., vol. 31, p. 1064
Impact of the type of pushing during delivery on early neonatal morbidity : the eole study
32nd international confederation of midwives virtual triennal congress
2021 jun
Is directed open-glottis pushing more effective than directed closed-glottis pushing during the second stage of labor? A pragmatic randomized trial – the EOLE study
Midwifery, vol. 91, p. 102843
2020 dec
Fetal fibronectin test for threatened preterm delivery 48h after admission: cost-effectiveness study
european journal of obstetrics \& gynecology and reproductive biology, vol. 234, p. 75--78
2019 mar
Nurses' practices in the preparation and administration of intramuscular injections in mental health: A cross-sectional study
Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 28, p. 3310--3317
2019 sep
Nurses' practices in the preparation and administration of intramuscular injections in mental health: A cross-sectional study
Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 28, p. 3310
Prevalence of maternal psychological disorders after immediate postpartum haemorrhage: a repeated cross-sectional study - the PSYCHE* study protoco
BMJ Open, vol. 9, p. 027390
ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology = ultrasound in obstetrics \& gynecology, vol. 53, p. 276--277
2019 feb
Does the quality of postpartum hemorrhage (pph) protocols improve the identification and the management of pph among vaginal deliveries?
xxii world congress of gynecology and obstetrics
2019 oct
A screening focusing on alcohol consumption withdrawal effects in student’s population: A National cross-sectional survey
J Prev Med Hyg., vol. 59, p. 48--62
2018 mar 30
Are there risk factors for false-positive malformation diagnoses on obstetric ultrasound? a nested case-control study
journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction, vol. 47, p. 107--111
2018 mar
Can hospital discharge data be used for monitoring indicators associated with postpartum hemorrhages? the hera multicenter observational study
journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction, vol. 47, p. 145--150
2018 apr
Do estimates of blood loss differ between student midwives and midwives? a multicenter cross-sectional study
midwifery, vol. 59, p. 17--22
2018 apr
Improving image quality of mid trimester fetal sonography in obese: the role the ultrasound propagation velocity
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol., vol. 1, p. 1
2018 jan
Positions during the first stage and the passive second stage of labor: a survey of french midwives
midwifery, vol. 56, p. 79--85
Practices during the active second stage of labor: a survey of french midwives
midwifery, vol. 60, p. 48--55
2018 may
Shear wave elastography safety in fetus: A quantitative health risk assessment.
Diagn Interv Imaging., vol. 99, p. 519--524
Essai randomise eole (type de poussee lors du 2e stade du travail)
42emes journees nationales du college national des gynecologues obstetriciens francais
2018 dec
Cost-effectiveness threshold of down syndrome maternal serum markers for cffDNA test as a second tier
22 world congress of gynecology and obstetrics
2018 oct
Evaluation de la reprise du tabac en post-partum
48 emes journees nationales de la sfmp
2018 nov
Impact of type of pushing during delivery on pelvic floor function
EBCOG's 26th european congress of obstetrics and gynaecology
2018 mar
Screening for intimate partner violence: french validation of the woman abuse screening tool.
22 world congress of gynecology and obstetrics
2018 oct
Tobacco smoking relapse in post-partum period
26th european congress of the european board and college of obtetrics and gynecology (ebcog 2018)
2018 mar
Validation du questionnaire de precarite epices dans la population des femmes enceintes
48 emes journees nationales de la sfmp
2018 nov
Women's experience of childbirth according to the type of pushing at delivery
EBCOG's 26th european congress of obstetrics and gynaecology
2018 mar
Différences de pratiques des sages-femmes durant l'accouchement selon l’ancienneté des sages-femmes
16èmes journées du collège national des sages-femmes de france
2018 feb
Improving image quality of mid trimester fetal sonography in obese: the role the ultrasound propagation velocity
41emes journees nationales du cngof.
2017 dec
Impact of prenatal diagnosis on the outcome of patients with a transposition of great arteries: a 24-year population-based study
birth defects research part a: clinical and molecular teratology, vol. 106, p. 178--184
2016 mar
Incidence of immediate postpartum hemorrhages in french maternity units: a prospective observational study (hera study)
bmc pregnancy and childbirth, vol. 16, p. 242--251
2016 dec
Metabolic syndrome and social deprivation: results of a french observational multicentre survey
family practice, vol. 33, p. 17--22
2016 jan
Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants and organophosphate pesticides, and markers of glucose metabolism at birth
environmental research, vol. 146, p. 207--217
2016 apr
birth, vol. 43, p. 185--186
2016 jun
Enquete declarative sur les pratiques maieutiques durant l'accouchement eutocique en france.
14emes journees du college national des sages-femmes de france
2016 feb
Conventional ultrasound speed of 1540 m/s is not appropriate for examinations of obese women at second trimester of pregnancy
26th world congress on ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology
2016 sep
Evaluation des strategies de diagnostic des anomalies chromosomiques en cas d'anomalie fœtale identifiee par echographie prenatale: analyse economique
46eme journees nationales de la sfmp.
2016 oct
Integration du test d'adn foetal dans le depistage du syndrome de down en france : une analyse cout-efficacite
46eme journees nationales de la sfmp
2016 oct
Non invasive prenatal testing (nipt) to screen down's syndrome in france: a cost-effectiveness analysis
26th world congress on ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology
2016 sep
Survey of the practices of french midwives during delivery.
14emes journees du college national des sages-femmes de france.
2016 feb
Exposure of pregnant women to persistent organic pollutants and cord sex hormone levels
human reproduction, vol. 31, p. 190--198
2015 dec
Prenatal diagnosis of the vacterl association using routine ultrasound examination
birth defects research part a: clinical and molecular teratology, vol. 103, p. 880--886
2015 oct
Reliability of student midwives' visual estimate of blood loss in the immediate postpartum period: a cross-sectional study
international journal of nursing studies, vol. 52, p. 1798--1803
2015 dec
Risk factors for severe secondary postpartum hemorrhages: a historical cohort study
birth, vol. 42, p. 235--241
2015 sep
Severe secondary postpartum hemorrhage: a historical cohort
birth, vol. 42, p. 149--155
2015 jun
Facteurs de risque de survenue des hemorragies tardives severes du post-partum.
45eme journees nationales de la sfmp
2015 oct
L'estimation des pertes sanguines par les etudiants sages-femmes et les sages-femmes differe-t-elle? une etude transversale.
45eme journees nationales de la sfmp.
2015 oct
Positions des parturientes durant le 1er et le 2eme stade du travail : une enquete aupres de sages-femmes francaises.
45emes journees nationales de la societe francaise de medecine perinatale
2015 oct
Severe secondary postpartum hemorrhage: a historicalcohort study
xxi world congress of gynecology and obstetrics (figo)
2015 oct
Survey of the practices of french midwives during delivery.
XXI figo world congress of gynecology and obstetrics
2015 oct
An unusual clinical severity of 16p11.2 deletion syndrome caused by unmasked recessive mutation of cln3
european journal of human genetics, vol. 22, p. 369--373
2014 mar
False positive morphologic diagnoses at the anomaly scan: marginal or real problem, a population-based cohort study.
bmc pregnancy and childbirth, vol. 14, p. 112
Diagnostics morphologiques faussement positifs a l'echographie obstetricale: probleme marginal ou non ?
44es journees nationales de la sfmp
2014 oct
L'estimation visuelle des pertes sanguines dans le post-partum immediat, par des etudiants sages-femmes, est-elle fiable ?
44es journees nationales de la sfmp
2014 oct
Les hemorragies tardives du post-partum : etude d'une cohorte historique
44es journees nationales de la sfmp
2014 oct
Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants and sex hormone levels in cordblood.
international society for environmental epidemiology
2014 aug
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