Ruivard Marc
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Estaing |
Equipe : | DeciSiPH (TGI) |
Section CNU : | 53 |
Téléphone : | +33 |
e-mail : | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Publications associées :
10 publications trouvées2022
Cardiac sarcoidosis: systematic review of literature on corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapies
European Respiratory Journal, vol. 59, p. 449

Splenectomy for primary immune thrombocytopenia revisited in the era of thrombopoietin receptor agonists: new insights for an old treatment
american journal of hematology, vol. 97, p. 10
2022 jan

Case report: TNFα antagonists are an effective therapy in cardiac sarcoidosis
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, vol. 8, p. 676407

Does iron overload in metabolic syndrome affect macrophage profile? a case control study
journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, vol. 67, p. 126786
2021 may

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: study of 795 patients from the french vasculitis study group registry
seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, vol. 51, p. 339
2021 apr

Profile of patients with type 2 diabetes and glycated haemoglobin \ge 10\% followed in general practice
family practice, vol. 39, p. 432
2021 dec

Computed and subjective blue scleral color analysis as a diagnostic tool for iron deficiency: a pilot study
journal of clinical medicine, vol. 8, p. 1876
2019 nov

Assessment of water, minerals and vitamins intakes during pregnancy in the Micro-IMAGE study
Proceeding of the 10h European Public Health Conference of EUPHA (European Public Health Association), Stockholm (Suede), 01-04 novembre 2017.

Etude Micro-IMAGE : Estimation des apports hydriques, en minéraux et en vitamines lors de la grossesse.
Proceedings of the 46ème Journées nationales de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale (SFMP), 12-14 Octobre 2016, Clermont-Ferrand.

[Anticoagulation and peripartum management].
Gynecol Obstet Fertil, vol. 43, p. 187--190

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