D'Ostrevy Nicolas
Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | CaVITI (TGI) |
Téléphone : | +33614950004 |
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11 publications trouvées2021
Characteristics and outcome of ambulatory heart failure patients receiving a left ventricular assist device
esc heart failure, vol. 8, p. 5159
Comparison of outcomes and mortality in patients having left ventricular assist device implanted early -vs- late after diagnosis of cardiomyopathy
american journal of cardiology, vol. 146, p. 82
2021 feb
Off-pump open repair of false aneurysm of aortic isthmus: This technique is still relevant
Indian journal of vascular & endovascular surgery, vol. 8, p. 247
Rapid-deployment aortic valve replacement in high-risk patients: A case-control study
Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research, vol. 13, p. 23
From Infectious Endocarditis to Ventricular Pseudo-Aneurysm
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, vol. 13, p. 010265
Implantable cardiac defibrillator leads dysfunction after lvad implantation
pacing and clinical electrophysiology, vol. 43, p. 1309
2020 jul
Outcomes of left ventricular assist device implantation in patients with uncommon etiology cardiomyopathy
american journal of cardiology, vol. 125, p. 1421
2020 may
Relation of body mass index to outcomes in patients with heart failure implanted with left ventricular assist devices
american journal of cardiology, vol. 133, p. 81
2020 oct
Septuagenarian population has similar survival and outcomes to younger patients after left ventricular assist device implantation
archives of cardiovascular diseases, vol. 113, p. 701
2020 sep
Suicide attempts among lvad recipients: real-life data from the assist-icd study.
circulation, vol. 141, p. 934
2020 mar
Ct patterns of acute type a aortic arch dissection: longer, higher, more anterior.
the british journal of radiology, vol. 90, p. 20170417
2017 oct
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