DURIF Franck
Fonction : | Non permanent (UCA) |
Lieu d'exercice : | Montpied / Dunand |
Equipe : | ICCN (TGI) |
Téléphone : | +33 |
e-mail : | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Publications associées :
11 publications trouvées2023
Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in severe parkinson's disease: relationships between dual-contact topographic setting and 1-year worsening of speech and gait
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 165, p. 1--27
2023 oct 27

A case–control study investigating food addiction in parkinson patients
scientific reports, vol. 11, p. 1
2021 dec

Behavioral, Cellular and Molecular Responses to Cold and Mechanical Stimuli in Rats with Bilateral Dopamine Depletion in the Mesencephalic Dopaminergic Neurons
Neuroscience, vol. 479, p. 107

Fluoxetine for the symptomatic treatment of multiple system atrophy: the msa-fluo trial
movement disorders, vol. 36, p. 1704
2021 apr

Impact of subthalamic deep brain stimulation on impulse control disorders in parkinson's disease: a prospective study
movement disorders, vol. 36, p. 750

Nigrostriatal dopamine depletion promoted an increase in inhibitory markers (parvalbumin, GAD67, VGAT) and cold allodynia
Neuroscience Letters, vol. 762, p. 136135
2021 sep

Preoperative rem sleep behavior disorder and subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation outcome in parkinson disease 1 year after surgery
neurology, vol. 97, p. 1994

Psycho-sensory modalities of visual hallucinations and illusions in Parkinson's disease
Revue Neurologique, vol. 177, p. 1228

The urge to move: From restless legs syndrome to impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease
Journal of Sleep Research, vol. 30, p. 13127

Genetic and phenotypic basis of autosomal dominant parkinson's disease in a large multi-center cohort
frontiers in neurology, vol. 11, p. 682
2020 jul

Visual hallucinations and illusions in Parkinson’s disease: the role of ocular pathology
Journal of Neurology volume, vol. 267, p. 2829

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