100 publications found
Automated segmentation of deep brain structures from inversion-recovery mri
computerized medical imaging and graphics, vol. 120, p. 102488
2025 jan

Brain color-coded diffusion imaging: utility of acpc reorientation of gradients in healthy subjects and patients
computer methods and programs in biomedicine, vol. 257, p. 108449
2024 oct

Reconstruction of environments
3 Wiley Pascal Vasseur
2024 jan. 05

Segmentation automatisee de structures cerebrales profondes a partir d'irms a inversion-recuperation
rfiap 2024 - reconnaissance des formes, image, apprentissage et perception
2024 jul

Real-time cell population analysis in bioreactors using deep learning-enabled in situ microscopy
14th european symposium on biochemical engineering science esbes 2024
2024 oct

Biom3d, a modular framework to host and develop 3D segmentation methods
2024 oct 21

Deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, p. 22045

Estimating the vertical direction in a photogrammetric 3D model, with application to visualization
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 236, p. 1--13

Edge detection using deep learning pipelines for TEM and SEM metrology by proposing generic and specific approaches
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control XXXVII
2023 apr 26

Deep in-situ microscopy for immortal bioreactor
European congress of chemical engineering / european congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Replication data for : deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors

Deep learning – promises for 3D nuclear imaging: a guide for biologists
Journal of Cell Science, vol. 135, p. 258986
2022 apr 01

A deep learning approach for lidar resolution-agnostic object detection
ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 1, p. 1
2021 dec

Solving Rolling Shutter 3D Vision Problems using Analogies with Non-rigidity
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 129, p. 100
2021 aug.

2021 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D)
2021 dec. 08

Production2vec: a hybrid recommender system combining semantic and product complexity approach to improve industrial resiliency
2021 2nd international conference on artificial intelligence and information systems (icaiis '21)
2021 may

Unsupervised learning of spatio-temporal receptive fields from an event-based vision sensor
29th international conference on artificial neural networks

Decision support system for distributed manufacturing based on input-output analysis and economic complexity
8th international multidisciplinary conference on economics, business engineering and social sciences
2021 dec

Development of a multiparticle optical trajectography technique for hydrodynamic analysis of a stirred tank devoted to dark fermentation
XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-24, Milan, Italy
2021 sep. 16

Leveraging blur information in plenoptic cameras: application to calibration and metric depth estimation
universite clermont auvergne
2021 dec

Automated 3D bio-imaging analysis of nuclear organization by NucleusJ 2.0
Nucleus, vol. 11, p. 315--329
2020 dec

Rolling shutter homography and its applications
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 1, p. 1--1

Blur aware calibration of multi-focus plenoptic camera
ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition
2020 jun

Toward texturing for immersive modeling of environment reconstructed from 360 multi-camera
2020 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D)
2020 dec 15

A flexible calibration method for the intrinsic and mechanical parameters of panoramic line-scan cameras
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 180, p. 47--58
2019 mar

Lidar measurement bias estimation via return waveform modelling in a context of 3d mapping
2019 international conference on robotics and automation (icra)

Convolutional neural network for detection and classification with event-based data
visigrapp (visapp)
2019 feb

Easy auto-calibration of sensors on a vehicle equipped with multiple 2d-lidars and cameras
30th ieee intelligent vehicle symposium
2019 jun

Local-convexity reinforcement for scene reconstruction from sparse point clouds
Bruxelles, Belgique, 11 décembre 2020
2019 dec

Multi-controller architecture for reliable autonomous vehicle navigation: combination of model-driven and data-driven formalization
Workshop frca-iav, ieee 2019 ieee intelligent vehicles symposium (iv'19)
2019 jun

Reliable risk management for autonomous vehicles based on sequential bayesian decision networks and dynamic inter-vehicular assessment
ieee 2019 ieee intelligent vehicles symposium (iv'19)
2019 jun

A real-time map refinement method using a multi-sensor localization framework
ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 1, p. 1--15
2018 jun

An embedded computer-vision system for multi-object detection in traffic surveillance
ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 1, p. 1--13

Automatic registration of 3d dental mesh based on photographs of patient's mouth
computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering: imaging \& visualization, vol. 1, p. 1--12
2018 dec

Benchmark for the robustness of image features in rainy conditions
machine vision and applications, vol. 29, p. 1--13
2018 jun

Robustified Structure from Motion with rolling-shutter camera using straightness constraint
Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 111, p. 1--8
2018 aug

Stage-wise learning of reaching using little prior knowledge
frontiers in robotics and ai, vol. 5, p. 0--0
2018 oct

Surface reconstruction from a sparse point cloud by enforcing visibility consistency and topology constraints
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 175, p. 52--71

A Robust Method for Strong Rolling Shutter Effects Correction Using Lines With Automatic Feature Selection
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
2018 jun

Improving thin structures in surface reconstruction from sparse point cloud
3D reconstruction in the wild (ECCV workshop)
2018 sep.

Learning to touch objects through stage-wise deep reinforcement learning
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
2018 oct

Map matching and lanes number estimation with OpenStreetMap
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Multi-level bayesian decision-making for safe and flexible autonomous navigation in highway environment
ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems (iros'18)
2018 oct.

Rolling Shutter Pose and Ego-Motion Estimation Using Shape-from-Template
15th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV'18, Munich, Germany
2018 sep

Safe autonomous overtaking maneuver based on inter-vehicular distance prediction and multi-level bayesian decision-making
ieee international conference on intelligent transportation systems (itsc'18)
2018 nov.

Weather classification with traffic surveillance cameras
25th its worldcongress
2018 sep

Ajustement de faisceaux multi-caméra intégrant l'estimation de la synchronisation et du rolling-shutter
Congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA de reconnaissance des formes, image, apprentissage et perception

Ajustement de faisceaux multi-caméra intégrant l'estimation de la synchronisation et du rolling-shutter
Congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA de reconnaissance des formes, image, apprentissage et perception

Learning to touch objects through stage-wise deep reinforcement learning
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
2018 oct

Improving thin structures in surface reconstruction from sparse point cloud
3D Reconstruction in the wild (ECCV workshop)
2018 sep.

Antecedent variables of intentions to use an autonomous shuttle: moving beyond tam and tpb?
european review of applied psychology / revue europeenne de psychologie appliquee, vol. 67, p. 269--278
2017 sep

Lma: a generic and efficient implementation of the levenberg-marquardt algorithm
software: practice and experience, vol. 47, p. 1707--1727
2017 nov

Overview of shelling for 2-manifold surface reconstruction based on 3d delaunay triangulation
journal of mathematical imaging and vision, vol. 59, p. 318--340

Self-calibration of omnidirectional multi-cameras including synchronization and rolling shutter
computer vision and image understanding, vol. 162, p. 166--184
2017 sep

Smc faster r-cnn: toward a scene-specialized multi-object detector
computer vision and image understanding, vol. 1, p. 1--1
2017 jun

A hybrid bundle adjustment/pose-graph approach to vslam/gps fusion for low-capacity platforms
intelligent vehicles symposium (iv), 2017 ieee

Deep edge-color invariant features for 2d/3d car fine-grained classification
intelligent vehicles symposium (iv)
2017 jul.

Deep manta: a coarse-to-fine many-task network for joint 2d and 3d vehicle analysis from monocular image
ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr)

Large-scale, drift-free slam using highly robustified building model constraints
2017 ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems (iros)

Learning of binocular fixations using anomaly detection with deep reinforcement learning
international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN)
2017 may

Light-field camera calibration from raw images
international conference on digital image computing: techniques and applications (dicta'17)
2017 nov

Multi target tracking by linking tracklets with a convolutional neural network.
visigrapp (visapp)

Multibody reconstruction of the dynamic scene surrounding a vehicle using a wide baseline and multifocal stereo system
workshop on planning, perception and navigation for intelligent vehicles (satellite event of iros'17)
2017 sep

Towards automated map updating for mobile robot localization
ieee intelligent vehicle symposium
2017 jun

Acquisition de connaissances de programmation en fonction des strategies d'apprentissage : une etude empirique du micromonde progo.
eiah 2017
2017 jun

Apprentissage par renforcement profond de la fixation binoculaire en utilisant de la detection d'anomalies
2017 jun

Deep Learning For Intelligent Vehicles
International Conference on Vehicle Intelligence
2017 dec.

Method of calibrating a computer-based vision system onboard a craft
2017 aug

Retour d'experience du fui vipafleet : evolution autonome
2017 jan

A toolset to address variability in mobile robotics
journal of software engineering for robotics, vol. 7, p. 20--35
2016 jul

Metric calibration of a focused plenoptic camera based on a 3d calibration target
isprs annals of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, vol. 3, p. 449--456

Microworlds for learning object-oriented programming: considerations from research to practice
journal of interactive learning research, vol. 27, p. 247--266
2016 jul

Online adaptive observer for rollover avoidance of reconfigurable agricultural vehicles
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 126, p. 32--43
2016 aug.

Sequential monte carlo filter based on multiple strategies for a scene specialization classifier
eurasip journal on image and video processing, vol. 2016, p. 1--10
2016 dec

Vision-based robot localization based on the efficient matching of planar features
machine vision and applications, vol. 27, p. 415--436
2016 may

- chapter 5 : toward smart autonomous cars
intelligent transportation systems : from good practices to standards crc press
2016 aug

Multi-modal sensors path merging
intelligent autonomous systems 13 springer, cham

Vision-based hybrid map building for mobile robot navigation
intelligent autonomous systems 13 springer, cham

Accurate 3d car pose estimation
international conference on image processing (icip)
2016 sep

Adding synchronization and rolling shutter in multi-camera bundle adjustment
british machine vision conference
2016 sep

Applying a GAD filter to calculate heat sources from noisy temperature fields
Residual Stress, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Hybrid Techniques and Inverse Problems, Volume 9

Efficient fleet absolute localization and environment re-mapping
ifac symposium on intelligent autonomous vehicles
2016 jun

Faster r-cnn scene specialization with a sequential monte-carlo framework
2016 international conference on digital image computing: techniques and applications (dicta)
2016 nov

Improving constrained bundle adjustment through semantic scene labeling
computer vision–eccv 2016 workshops

Lessons learned after more than 1000 km in an autonomous shuttle guided by vision
international conference on intelligent transportation systems, itsc
2016 nov

Methodology used to evaluate computer vision algorithms in adverse weather conditions
6th transport research arena, tra 2016
2016 apr

Real Time Control Stability Algorithm for reducing Off-road Vehicles Rollover Propensity
5th International conference on Machine Control & Guidance (MCG)
2016 oct

The cerema database : a specific database in adverse weather conditions to evaluate computer vision pedestrian detectors
proceedings of the seventh international conference sciences of electronics, technologies of information and telecommunications, setit 2016
2016 dec

Tracking multi-object using tracklet and faster r-cnn: phd forum
proceedings of the 10th international conference on distributed smart camera

Caractérisation du risque d'instabilité dynamique de robots mobiles évoluant en milieux naturels
Colloque ``Le puy de la Recherche", 3ième édition : Le risque
2016 jun

Retour d'experience apres plus de 1000 km en navette sans conducteur guidee par vision
journees transports intelligents, rfia
2016 jun

Retour d’expérience après plus de 1000 Km en navette sans conducteur guidée par vision
workshop "Journée Transports Intelligents" at Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA)
2016 jun

Synchronisation et auto-etalonnage de plusieurs cameras fixees sur un casque
congres francophone afrif-afia de reconnaissance des formes et d'intelligence artificielle
2016 jun

Adding synchronization and rolling shutter in multi-camera bundle adjustment
british machine vision conference

Applying a GAD filter to calculate heat sources from noisy temperature fields
SEM Annual Conference, 8-11 June 2015, Costa Mesa, USA

Caractérisation du risque d'instabilité dynamique de robots mobiles évoluant en milieux naturels
Colloque ``Le puy de la Recherche", 3ième édition : Le risque
2016 jun

Real Time Control Stability Algorithm for reducing Off-road Vehicles Rollover Propensity
5th International conference on Machine Control & Guidance (MCG)
2016 oct

Retour d’expérience après plus de 1000 Km en navette sans conducteur guidée par vision
workshop "Journée Transports Intelligents" at Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA)
2016 jun

Synchronisation et auto-etalonnage de plusieurs cameras fixees sur un casque
congres francophone afrif-afia de reconnaissance des formes et d'intelligence artificielle

Robust localization using a top-down approach with several lidar sensors
2015 ieee international conference on robotics and biomimetics (robio)
2015 dec