Institut Pascal, UMR 6602, is a joint interdisciplinary research and training unit of 400 people, under the twofold supervision of Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) and CNRS. CHU University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand is secondary supervisor of the unit. Institut Pascal is member of Clermont Auvergne INP, which includes three engineering schools ISIMA, POLYTECH Clermont and SIGMA Clermont.
Institut Pascal was born from the merging of seven laboratories encompassing Engineering and Systems Sciences: process engineering, mechanics, robotics, physics for information sciences, health technologies. The aim was to structure the field of the Engineering Sciences of the area of Clermont-Ferrand. The process was achieved in three steps (in 2012, 2017 and January 2021).
The research unit develops knowledge and technologies that contribute to three areas of application: plants, transportation and the hospital of the future.
Institut Pascal is a member of FACTOLAB, a joint laboratory with MICHELIN. It is owner of the LabEx IMobS3 (laboratory of excellence from the PIA1 French investment program for the future). Institut Pascal is member of the CNRS network EquipEx ROBOTEX and of the LabEx GaNeX (PIA1) and PRIMES. The unit is also member of the competitiveness cluster CIMES, as well as clusters AXELERA, MINALOGIC, POLYMERIS, XYLOFUTUR as partner of UCA. Institut Pascal is member of Institut Carnot MECD.
The unit is organised into five research groups:
• Process Engineering, Energy and Biosystems (GePEB department)
• Image, Perception Systems, Robotics (ISPR department)
• Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering (M3G department)
• Photonics, Waves, Nanomaterials (PHOTON department)
• Image Guided Therapies (TGI department)
Institut Pascal is located on the Clermont-site (Campus des Cézeaux: direction/EUPI, Polytech, SIGMA. CHU: G. Montpied and Estaing); the Montluçon-site (IUT of Allier); and the Puy en Velay-site (IUT of Clermont).
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