
Research laboratory

Tutelle secondaire CHU Clermont-Ferrand
Membre de Clermont Auvergne INP

Master - PHOTON - Information

Master of Physics

University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France




Do you want to discover a new elementary particle, study exotic states of matter or analyze the evolution of climate? The Master of Physics (Research) of Blaise Pascal University invites brilliant students from all countries.

•    Modern science taught by active researchers
•    Low yearly inscription fee of 400 Euros a year
•    Interesting lectures covering a very broad scope
•    Low cost of living in Clermont-Ferrand
•    Research practice in world-leading groups
•    Various sports and cultural activities
•    International collaborations

Start speaking French easily! Special French language courses taught at the University. Lectures and Lecture support will be given in English.

Scientific excellence and International value of the diploma

France is one of the world leading countries in Physics, and the University Blaise Pascal is one of its poles of excellence which provides a good national and international recognition to the Master of Physics.
The scientific program of the Master is based on the research activities of:
•    The PHOTON department department of Institut Pascal (Nanostructures and Nanophotonics option)
•    The LPC, Laboratory of Elementary Particles Physics (Particle Physics option)
•    The OPGC, Observatoire de Physique du Globe (Physics and Chemistry of the Environment).
Since 2012 only, these laboratories published more than 200 papers in scientific journals with an Impact factor larger than 7, namely, Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters.

Detailed teaching program of the Master

The Master is based on general and specialized courses, 800 hours spread over the two years and on 8 Months of research practice (3 months first year, 5 months second year) which can take place in the laboratories supporting the Master or outside. The best research practice in general allows the publication of a scientific paper.

Financial advantages

Compared with UK, French Universities are financially supported by the government which allows extremely low registration fee: 400 Euros a year.
The cost of living in Clermont Ferrand is extremely low compared with most UK cities. Good private accommodation can be found from 300 Euros a month. Shared apartments from 200 euros a month.
Fast and cheap connections to UK and many places in Europe.

Quality of life
300 000 inhabitants and 35 000 students. Very dynamic social and sports activities.
Warm in summer, cold in winter, very scarce rains (600 mm a year), this is the second driest big city in France after Marseille. Beautiful natural environment offering large possibilities of outdoor activities, including winter sports. Clermont-Ferrand hosts one of the best Rugby teams in Europe and is the Head-Quarter and main research center of Michelin, one of the largest European companies.
To apply
Download from the University website and fill the inscription form. The application deadline is the September 2016, when the lectures begin.