3 awards won by our doctors at the 27th edition of the Clermont-Ferrand Young Researchers Award :
Clermont Auvergne Innovation award for Guillaume Mougeot, Doctor of Image, perception system, robotics (ED SPI) for his thesis in collaboration with IGReD and Oxford (Nuclear Plant Envelope).
INP Polytech award for Guy Vano Tsamo Tagouche, Doctor in Materials Engineering (ED SPI) for his thesis.
de la Fondation UCA award for Ismaël Septembre, Doctor in Physics - Dense media and materials (ED SF) for his thesis.
We congratulate Sayed Mohammadreza Shetab Bushehri, Doctor of Electrical, Electronics and Systems Engineering (ED SPI) who brilliantly defended robotics for deformable objects manipulation.
The Institut Pascal, UMR of UCA and CNRS, has just equipped itself with a new System for the Analysis and Structuring of Surfaces (SASS) with funding from the European Union within the framework of the FEDER, the Region AURA and with the support of UCA. This platform is dedicated to the analysis of organic and inorganic materials with a volume that extends from the surface to a depth of approximately 50-100 Å. There are many characterization techniques available: AR-XPS, UPS, ARPES, REELS providing different information related to the depth of analysis and the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.
As part of a collaboration between Institut Pascal and Michelin factory, a real demonstration took place on Thursday, November 10, 2022 to show the capabilities of an autonomous vehicle to move at 40 km/h on a track that is particularly hard on the tyres. This first demonstration is part of a more global project which should enable the two partners to show the capacity of this type of vehicle to carry out certain tire tests independently, but also to work on the development of new tests, some of which are more specific for these vehicles of tomorrow.
For the 2022 edition of the Science festival, Institut Pascal was present on all its research topics on different sites on the campus. The demonstrations to budding researchers ranged from the Pavin Solaire platform, through autonomous vehicles, robots and 3D, the magical powers of black light and in form of an escapegame for misterys of gas sensors.
The two technical days of the R2M network and the AgROBOFood project co-organized by INRAE, CEA and Institut Pascal take place on October 12 & 13th in the site of Montoldre around themes of navigation, safety and artificial intelligence for the development of mobile robots in agriculture and open environment.