TAHA Samir
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Location : | Polytech |
Team : | GePEB (GePEB) |
Phone : | +33 40 74 29 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
4 publications found2019
Biohydrogen production from carob waste of the lebanese industry by dark fermentation
biofuels, vol. 2019, p. 1

Optimization of lactic acid production using immobilized lactobacillus rhamnosus and carob pod waste from the lebanese food industry
journal of biotechnology, vol. 306, p. 81--88

Valorization of carob waste: definition of a second-generation bioethanol production process
Bioresource Technology, vol. 235, p. 25--34
2017 jul

Valorisation des déchets de caroube libanais : définition d’un procédé de production de bioéthanol de 2ème génération
9ème Colloque franco-roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrROCA (Clermont-Fd, France)
2016 jun.

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