GUEZ Jean Sebastien
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Location : | Polytech |
Team : | GePEB (GePEB) |
Phone : | +33473405182 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
103 publications found2025
Effect of redox potential on biohydrogen production during dark fermentation of food wastes in bioreactor
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 1, p. 1
2025 feb

Comparison of methane yield of a novel strain of methanothermobacter marburgensis in pure and mixed adapted culture derived from a methanation bubble column bioreactor
bioresource technology, vol. 406, p. 10

Enhanced dark fermentative hydrogen production by initial reduction of oxidation-reduction potential
International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 87, p. 1338--1346
2024 oct

Intensification of ex-situ biomethanation in a bubble column bioreactor by addition of colonized biochips
bioresource technology reports, vol. 27, p. 101938
2024 sep

Hydrogen gas mass transfer in aqueous media: application to biological methanation
International chemical engineering and materials symposium (SICHEM)
2024 apr

The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Effect of oxidation-reduction potential on hydrogen production by dark fermentation
World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC)
2024 jun

Electrocoagulation for sustainable circular economy: purification of volatile fatty acids from real fermented food waste
6th euro-mediterranean conference for environment integration
2024 may

Implementation of a novel reactor with the addition of supports to enhance ex-situ biomethanation
European workshop on gas biological conversions
2024 jan

Influence du potentiel d'oxydo-réduction sur la production d'hydrogène par fermentation sombre de biodéchets déconditionnés
20ème rencontre des microbiologistes du pole clermontois
2024 apr

Mass transfer of H2 in aqueous media for biological methanation: influence of microorganisms and operating conditions
International chemical engineering and materials symposium (SICHEM)
2024 apr

Real-time cell population analysis in bioreactors using deep learning-enabled in situ microscopy
14th european symposium on biochemical engineering science esbes 2024
2024 oct

Continuous extraction of vfas produced during dark fermentation of food wastes using submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
14th european symposium on biochemical engineering science esbes 2024
2024 oct

Purification of anaerobic digestate from anaerobic fermentation of food wastes by electrocoagulation
The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, p. 22045

Bioinformatics modelling and metabolic engineering of the branched chain amino acid pathway for specific production of microbial biosurfactants and biopesticides.
2023 may

Biological methanation: key advances and remaining challenges
2nd international congress of chemical engineering ICCHE 2021
2023 oct

Implementation of a novel reactor with the addition of supports to enhance ex-situ biomethanation.
International conference on the practical zero emissions technologies and strategies (pzets)
2023 dec

Deep in-situ microscopy for immortal bioreactor
European congress of chemical engineering / european congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Mass transfer of hydrogen gas in aqueous media for biological methanation: influence of microorganisms and operating conditions.
European congress of chemical engineering / European congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Short chain fatty acids production by anaerobic digestion of food waste.
European congress of chemical engineering / European congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Replication data for : deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors

Bioinformatics modelling and metabolic engineering of the branched chain amino acid pathway for specific production of mycosubtilin isoforms in bacillus subtilis
metabolites, vol. 12, p. 107
2022 jan

Biohydrogen from organic waste: advances in process design and operation.
2022 nov

How can bioprocesses contribute to a reduction of global warming?
International conference on biotechnology for sustainable bioresources and bioeconomy (BSBB-2022)
2022 dec

Mycosubtilin, a multifaceted lipopeptide from bacillus. subtilis for plant crop protection: an overview of the last decade results obtained from lab to the field.
Plant BioproTech
2022 jun

Optimisation d'un procédé de méthanation biologique ex situ en colonne à agitation pneumatique
18eme Congrés de la Societe Francaise de Génie des procédés (SFGP)
2022 nov

Effet du potentiel d’oxydo-réduction sur la production d’hydrogène par fermentation sombre
18ème congrés de la Societe Francaise de Génie des Procédés (SFGP)
2022 nov

Procédé de biométhanation ex-situ
2022 nov

New Continuous Process for the Production of Lipopeptide Biosurfactants in Foam Overflowing Bioreactor
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 9, p.
2021 may

Biological methanation: issues, challenges, and opportunities.
2nd International Congress of Chemical Engineering ICChE
2021 jun 23

Organic waste biorefinery: the key role of anaerobic building blocks.
16th OPROTEH International Conference
2021 may 25

Bioprocedes innovants pour la production de biosurfactants microbiens de nature lipopeptidique
17eme Congrès de la societe francaise de génie des procedes (SFGP)
2019 oct

Identifier les réseaux des entreprises et leurs compétences relationnelles: proposition de méthodologie
8ème forum innovation
2018 jun

Intensité technologique des entreprises et structuration géographique de leurs réseaux d'affaires
8ième forum innovation
2018 jun

Microbial lipopeptide production and purification bioprocesses, current progress and future challenges
biotechnology journal, vol. 12, p. 1600566

Bacillus sp . biosurfactants , composition including same, method for obtaining same, and use thereof

Biosurfactants produit par une nouvelle souche de bacillus subtilis, composition les comprenant, procede d'obtention et application

Antimicrosporidian activities of lipopeptides and sulphated polysaccharides from algae and their potential to control honeybee nosemosis
6th Conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology
2015 oct

Overflowing continuous cultures: a way to manage excess of foaming during the sustainable production of surfactant in reactors
6th Conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology
2015 oct

Directed biosynthesis of antifungal and biosurfactant lipopeptides from bacillus subtilis.
10th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES) and 6th International forum on industrial bioprocesses
2014 sep

Overflowing processes for the production of surfactant in reactors.
10th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES) and 6th International forum on industrial bioprocesses
2014 sep

Production de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée par les micro-algues
Journee biosourcés : materiaux et valorisation des agroressources
2014 dec

Production of a novel mixture of mycosubtilins by mutants of bacillus subtilis
bioresource technology, vol. 145, p. 264--270

Novel biosurfactants with biocontrol activity and low ecotoxicity.
9th European congress of chemical engineering / 2nd European congress of applied biotechnology
2013 apr

Production of biosurfactants by overflowing continuous culture (O-CC)
14eme Congres de la societe francaise de génie des procédés (SFGP)
2013 oct

Engineering of bacillus subtilis physiological functionalities towards the production of mycosubtilin anteiso-c17
new biotechnology, vol. 29, p. 79--80
2012 sep

Second harmonic generation to monitor the interactions of the antimicrobial mycosubtilin with membrane-mimicking interfacial monolayers
bionanoscience, vol. 2, p. 108--112

Advanced in situ microscopy for on-line monitoring of animal cell culture
Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the european society for animal cell technology (esact), dublin, ireland, june 7-10, 2009

Improvement of yield and selectivity in lipopeptide production process by oxygen transfer rate control.
9th european symposium of biochemical science (esbes)
2012 sep

Engineering of bacillus subtilis physiological functionalities towards the production of mycosubtilin anteiso-c17
9th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBESs)
2012 sep

Improvement of yield and selectivity in lipopeptides production process by oxygen transfer rate control
9th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2012 sep

In situ microscopic cytometry enables noninvasive viability assessment of animal cells by measuring entropy states
biotechnology and bioengineering, vol. 108, p. 2884--2893

On-line and real time cell counting and viability determination for animal cell process monitoring by in situ microscopy
bmc proceedings, vol. 5, p. 15--18

Environmental factors and pleitropic regulators influence homologous compound pattern of mycosubtilin produced by bacillus subtilis atcc 6633.
5th international conference on functional genomics of gram-positive microorganisms / 16th international conference on bacilli
2011 jun

On-line and real time cell counting and viability determination for animal cell process monitoring by in situ microscopy.
22nd meeting of the european society animal cell technology
2011 may

Effect of low temperatures on growth and biosurfactant production in bacillus subtilis
4th congress of european microbiologists fems
2011 jun

On-line and real time cell counting and viability determination for animal cell process monitoring by in situ microscopy
22nd Meeting of the european society animal cell technology (ESACT)
2011 may

Control of the specific growth rate of Bacillus subtilis for the production of biosurfactant lipopeptides in bioreactors with foam overflow
Process Biochemistry, vol. 45, p. 1800--1807
2010 nov.

Effect of pps disruption and constitutive expression of srfa on surfactin productivity, spreading and antagonistic properties of bacillus subtilis 168 derivatives
journal of applied microbiology, vol. 109, p. 480--491

The viability of animal cell cultures in bioreactors: can it be estimated online by using in situ microscopy?
Process Biochemistry, vol. 45, p. 288--291
2010 feb

Les lipopeptides de bacillus sp. : des molecules a haut potentiel pour la lutte biologique contre les champignons phytopathogenes
3ème Journee du groupe francophone d'etude des pesticides organiques d'origine naturelle
2010 jun

Optical sampling in situ microscope for on-line monitoring of animal cell cultures
11th ifac symposium on computer applications in biotechnology, 2010
2010 jul

Predictive Control of the Specific Growth Rate in a Bioreactor Process for the Production of Surfactant Using Bacillus Subtilis.
11th IFAC Symposium Computer Applications in Biotechnology
2010 jul 07

Cellular engineering of bacillus subtilis to enhance the biosynthesis of highly active antifungal lipopeptides
Systems biology of microorganisms - Institut Pasteur
2010 mar

High-level biosynthesis of the anteiso-c17 isoform of the antibiotic mycosubtilin in bacillus subtilis and characterization of its candidacidal activity
applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 75, p. 4636--4640

Resistance of the cell wall to degradation is a critical parameter for isolation of high quality rna from natural isolates of bacillus subtilis
archives of microbiology, vol. 191, p. 669--673

In situ microscopy for on-line monitoring of CHO cell culture
21st meeting of the European Society Animal Cell Technology
2009 jun 07

Overflowing processes for the production of surfactant in bioreactors
12ème Congres de la societe francaise de genie des procedes (SFGP)
2009 oct

Relationship between temperature, branched fatty acid synthesis and mycosubtilin isoform production in bacillus subtilis.
2009 apr

Overflowing processes for the production of surfactants in bioreactors
15ème congres CNR IUT
2009 jun

Resistance of bacillus subtilis atcc 6633 cell wall to degradation is a critical parameter for isolation of high quality rna
5th International conference on functional genomics of gram-positive microorganisms. 15th International conference on bacilli
2009 jun

Temperature and productivity direct mycosubtiline antibiotic biosynthesis toward the anteiso c-17 branched isoform
5th International conference on functional genomics of gram-positive microorganisms.15th International conference on bacilli.
2009 jun

Respiration activity monitoring system (ramos), an efficient tool to study the influence of the oxygen transfer rate on the synthesis of lipopeptide by bacillus subtilis atcc6633
journal of biotechnology, vol. 134, p. 121--126

Temperature dependence of mycosubtilin homologue production in bacillus subtilis atcc6633
research in microbiology, vol. 159, p. 449--457

Bacillus lipopeptides leading to versatile weapons for plant disease biocontrol.
2008 mar

Genetic and bioprocess engineering applied to the overproduction of biosurfactant from bacillus subtilis.
international congress on bioprocesses in food industries
2008 nov

A new feeding strategy to operate overflowing-exponential fedbatch cultures (O-EFBC) at constant specific growth rates : application to the production of biosurfactant by bacillus subtilis
7th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2008 oct

An inverse metabolic engineering strategy to direct the antibiotic mycosubtilin biosynthesis toward the anteisoc-17 branched isoform in bacillus subtilis
7th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2008 sep

Consequences of both constitutive synthesis of surfactin and disruption of plipastatin operon on phenotypic properties of bacillus subtilis
5th International conference on functional genomics of gram-positive microorganisms. 15th International conference on bacilli
2008 jun

La synthese peptidique non-ribosomique, source de biodiversite de composes actifs.
bulletin de la societe francaise microbiologie, vol. 22, p. 234--240

Setting up and modelling of overflowing fed-batch cultures of bacillus subtilis for the production and continuous removal of lipopeptides
journal of biotechnology, vol. 131, p. 67--75

Biosynthese dirigee de molecules peptidiques actives synthetisees par le mecanisme non ribosomal
7eme Congrès national de la societe francaise de microbiologie
2007 may

Étude de l'effet de l’oxygène sur la synthèse de peptides d'origine non ribosomiques par bacillus subtilis
7eme congres national de la societe francaise de microbiologie (sfm)
2007 may

Biosynthese dirigée de molécules peptidiques actives synthetisées par le mécanisme non-ribosomal
7eme Congres national de la societe francaise de microbiologie (SFM)
2007 may

Directing the lipopeptide mycosubtilin biosynthesis toward c17:0 anteiso isoform influences the expression of cspb and cspc in bacillus subtilis
4th International conference on bacilli
2007 jun

La synthèse non-ribosomique, un potentiel immense de peptides à activités biologiques
Club des bactéries lactiques
2007 nov

Strategies d'optimisation de la synthèse sélective de mycosubtiline c17:0 anteiso par bacillus subtilis
7eme Congrès national de la societe francaise de microbiologie (SFM)
2007 may

Etude de la productivite et de la selectivite de la biosynthese de mycosubtiline, un antibiotique surfactant de bacillus subtilis : apports du genie biochimique et de la transcriptomique
universite des sciences et technologies de lille
2007 nov

Production of lipopeptide biosurfactant under oxygen growth-limiting conditions in surface aerated cultures of bacillus
6th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2006 aug

Setting-up of overflowing exponential fed-batch cultures for the production of biosurfactants at low growth rates
6th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2006 aug

Mycosubtilin overproduction by bacillus subtilis bbg100 enhances the organism's antagonistic and biocontrol activities
applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 71, p. 4577--4584

Etude d'un bioprocédé en réacteur semi-discontinu accompagne de pertes par moussage : application a l'extraction de tensioactifs lipopeptidiques produits par bacillus subtilis.
recents progres en genie des procedes, vol. 1, p. 1

Etude d'un bioprocédé en réacteur semi-discontinu accompagne de pertes par moussage : application a l'extraction de tensioactifs lipopeptidiques produits par bacillus subtilis
10eme Congrès de la Societe francaise de génie des procédés (SFGP)
2005 sep

Optimisation de la production de biosurfactants par Bacillus subtilis
10ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP)
2005 sep 20

Real time in situ microscopy for animal cell-concentration monitoring during high density culture in bioreactor
journal of biotechnology, vol. 111, p. 335--343

Stoichiometric modelling for physiological state changes monitoring in bioprocesses
ifac proceedings volumes, vol. 37, p. 409--414
2004 mar

Influence of ph on the production of mycosubtilin, an antifungal metabolite from bacillus subtilis with potential applications in agro-food sector
International congress on bioprocesses in food industries (ICBF)
2004 jul

Optimisation strategies of antibiotic lipopeptide production by bacillus subtilis
5th European symposium of biochemical science (ESBES)
2004 sep

Stoechiometric modeling for physiological state changes monitoring in bioprocesses
9th International symposium on computer applications in biotechnology (CAB 9)
2004 mar

A hybrid approach for the monitoring of physiological state changes
ifac proceedings volumes, vol. 36, p. 69--74
2003 jun

In situ microscopy for in-line monitoring of hybridomal cell culture in agitated bioreactor
Journées d'etudes & de diffusion technologique
2002 jul

In situ microscopy for in-line monitoring of hybridomal cell culture in agitated bioreactor
Journees d'etudes & de diffusion technologique – instrumentation et traitement du signal et des images dans les procedes agroalimentaires et biotechnologiques
2002 jul

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