VIAL Christophe
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Location : | Polytech |
Team : | GePEB (GePEB) |
Phone : | +33473405266 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
190 publications found2024
A scalable solvent-exchange strategy for the drying of colorless Japanese cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica )
Drying Technology, vol. 1, p. 1--12
2024 dec 06

Comparison of methane yield of a novel strain of methanothermobacter marburgensis in pure and mixed adapted culture derived from a methanation bubble column bioreactor
bioresource technology, vol. 406, p. 10

Complex conductivity as a tool to investigate the electrical behavior between graphene oxide and reduced graphene in super capacitors: Correlation between the electrical properties
Results in Engineering, vol. 23, p. 102673

First derivative, extrapolation, and deconvolution of the complex conductivity data for the identification of the optimum entanglement concentration of polysaccharides in aqueous solutions
Applied Physics A, vol. 130, p. 1

Intensification of ex-situ biomethanation in a bubble column bioreactor by addition of colonized biochips
bioresource technology reports, vol. 27, p. 101938
2024 sep

Effect of Salinity on the Denitrification of Tunisian Groundwater by Batch Electrocoagulation Process
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (4th Edition). EMCEI 2022. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation.

Exploring the solid wood modification with preserved hierarchical structure via non-cellulosic substances removal
11th European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11)
2024 apr 15

Multiscale modelling of delignified wood's thermal and elastic behaviour
Actes des 13èmes journées scientifiques du GDR Bois
2024 nov 20

Hydrogen gas mass transfer in aqueous media: application to biological methanation
International chemical engineering and materials symposium (SICHEM)
2024 apr

The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

A new approach based on the analysis of the complex conductivity for the identification of the optimum entanglement concentration of polysaccharide in aqueous solutions
International Chemical Engineering and Materials Symposium « SICHEM 2024 », UNST POLITEHNICA Bucharest
2024 apr.

Implementation of a novel reactor with the addition of supports to enhance ex-situ biomethanation
European workshop on gas biological conversions
2024 jan

Mass transfer of H2 in aqueous media for biological methanation: influence of microorganisms and operating conditions
International chemical engineering and materials symposium (SICHEM)
2024 apr

Real-time cell population analysis in bioreactors using deep learning-enabled in situ microscopy
14th european symposium on biochemical engineering science esbes 2024
2024 oct

Removal of diclofenac from wastewater using a sustainable approach based on green microalgae Coelastrella thermophila
International Chemical Engineering and Materials Symposium « SICHEM 2024 », UNST POLITEHNICA Bucharest

Simultaneous removal of nitrate and sulfate from groundwater by batch electrocoagulation process using iron electrodes
International Chemical Engineering and Materials Symposium « SICHEM 2024 », UNST POLITEHNICA Bucharest
2024 apr.

Valorization of Cystoseira sp. brown seaweed for the production of biochemicals and energy
International Chemical Engineering and Materials Symposium « SICHEM 2024 », UNST POLITEHNICA Bucharest

Valorization of Cystoseira sp. brown seaweed for the production of biochemicals and energy
SICHEM 2024, 11-12 april 2024. Bucharest, Romania

Biochemical characterization and potential in bioremediation of pharmaceutical pollutants of green microalga Coelastrella thermophila isolated from an Algerian hot spring
The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Continuous extraction of vfas produced during dark fermentation of food wastes using submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
14th european symposium on biochemical engineering science esbes 2024
2024 oct

Extraction and antioxidant activity of alginates and fucoidans extracted from Cystoseira myriophylloides from Sidi Bouzid Moroccan coast
The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Optimization of the treatment of anaerobic liquid digestates from anaerobic digestion plants by physical, chemical, and electrochemical methods
The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Purification of anaerobic digestate from anaerobic fermentation of food wastes by electrocoagulation
The 19th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field OPROTEH 2024 Conference Proceedings ABSTRACTS
2024 may

Deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, p. 22045

Optimisation of alcoholysis treatment in Poplar wood delignification
12èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois »
2023 nov 22

Optimisation of alcoholysis treatment in Poplar wood delignification
Actes des Journées Scientifiques du GDR3544 « Sciences du bois »
2023 nov 22

Biological methanation: key advances and remaining challenges
2nd international congress of chemical engineering ICCHE 2021
2023 oct

Implementation of a novel reactor with the addition of supports to enhance ex-situ biomethanation.
International conference on the practical zero emissions technologies and strategies (pzets)
2023 dec

Deep in-situ microscopy for immortal bioreactor
European congress of chemical engineering / european congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Mass transfer of hydrogen gas in aqueous media for biological methanation: influence of microorganisms and operating conditions.
European congress of chemical engineering / European congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Short chain fatty acids production by anaerobic digestion of food waste.
European congress of chemical engineering / European congress of applied biotechnology
2023 sep

Reduction of wood thermal conductivity by delignification
11èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois »
2022 nov 16

Biohydrogen from organic waste: advances in process design and operation.
2022 nov

How can bioprocesses contribute to a reduction of global warming?
International conference on biotechnology for sustainable bioresources and bioeconomy (BSBB-2022)
2022 dec

Utilisation de procédés de filtration membranaire dans une bioraffinerie de microalgues pour la production d'extraits enrichis en biopolymères présentant des propriétés techno-fonctionnelles
Journée Thématique :

Analysis of gas-liquid flow in a stirred tank under anaerobic dark fermentation conditions as a function of viscosity and operating conditions
Book Abstract of International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2022

Degradation of organic pollutants from pharmaceutical wastewater in Algeria using local green microalgae
Book Abstract of International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2022

Effect of salinity on the denitrification of tunisian groundwater by batch electrocoagulation process
4th Euro-Mediterranean conference for Environmental Integration, 20-23 octobre 2022, Sousse (Tunisie)

Effet du choix de l'électrode sur la dénitrification des eaux souterraines tunisiennes par procédé discontinu d'électrocoagulation
XVIIIeme Congrès de la Société de Génie de Procédés

Etude comparative sur l’efficacité des électrodes en Aluminium et en Fer pour la dénitrification des eaux souterraines par procédé discontinu d’électrocoagulation
Journée scientifique CODEGEPRA - SFGP région Sud-Est

Life cycle assessment and technical feasibility of the sequentional combination of electrocoagulation with other methods for treatment of anaerobic liquid digestates
Book Abstract of International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2022

Mass transfer of hydrogen gas in aqueous media for biological methanation: influence of gas sparger and operating condition
Book Abstract of International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2022

Optimisation d'un procédé de méthanation biologique ex situ en colonne à agitation pneumatique
18eme Congrés de la Societe Francaise de Génie des procédés (SFGP)
2022 nov

Reduction of wood thermal conductivity by delignification
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - Nice, 16-18 novembre 2022
2022 nov. 16

Solubilité et transfert de l’hydrogène dans l’eau et les milieux biologiques
Congrès de la Société de Génie de Procédés, 2022

Solubilité et transfert de l’hydrogène dans l’eau et les milieux biologiques
Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, SFGP, 2022, 7-10 novembre 2022, Toulouse, France

Procédé de biométhanation ex-situ
2022 nov

Effect of pH and heat treatment on structure, surface characteristics and emulsifying properties of purified camel beta-casein
Food Chemistry, vol. 365, p. 130421

Enhancing the biodegradation efficiency of an emergent refractory water pollutant by a bacterial isolate through a statistical process optimization approach
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol. 148, p. 1133--1145

Experimental analysis of the effects of liquid phase surface tension on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in a square bubble column
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 170, p. 121009

Scale-up of aerated bioreactors: cfd validation and application to the enzyme production by trichoderma reesei
chemical engineering science, vol. 229, p. 116033

Biological methanation: issues, challenges, and opportunities.
2nd International Congress of Chemical Engineering ICChE
2021 jun 23

Organic waste biorefinery: the key role of anaerobic building blocks.
16th OPROTEH International Conference
2021 may 25

Bubble deformation and breakup behavior - The effect of surface-active agent
Advances in Food Chemistry Conference, AdFoodChem 2021, Bucharest, Romania
2021 apr.

Camel beta-casein at the oil-water interface: Effect of pH and heat treatment on structure, surface characteristics and emulsifying properties
Advances in Food Chemistry Conference, AdFoodChem 2021, Bucharest, Romania
2021 apr.

Comparison between electrocoagulation and coprecipitation for the treatmentof olive oil mill wastewater
The 16th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field, OPROTEH 2021, Conference Proceedings
2021 may

Denitrification of tunisian natural waters by batch electrocoagulation process
The 16th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field, OPROTEH 2021, Conference Proceedings
2021 may

Development of a multiparticle optical trajectography technique for hydrodynamic analysis of a stirred tank devoted to dark fermentation
XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-24, Milan, Italy
2021 sep. 16

Impedance spectroscopy to investigate the dielectric and electrical behavior of seaweed polysaccharides in aqueous solutions
The 16th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building Field, OPROTEH 2021, Conference Proceedings
2021 may

Influence of the gas phase on hydrodynamics and gas transfer in a stirred tank under anaerobic dark fermentation conditions
XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-24, Milan, Italy
2021 sep. 16

Integration of Clean Label standards in the preparation of vegetal cream for pastry industry
Advances in Food Chemistry Conference, AdFoodChem 2021, Bucharest, Romania
2021 apr.

Membrane filtration as a critical step in waste meat bioreffinery: example of liquid effluents from bovine meat cooking processes
16th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building “Oproteh 2021”, 25-27 Mai, Bacau (Romania)

Microalgal and Cyanobacterial proteins as natural versatile ingredients to design emulsion matrix for food applications
Advances in Food Chemistry Conference, AdFoodChem 2021, Bucharest, Romania
2021 apr.

Bubble size and liquid-side mass transfer coefficient measurements in aerated stirred tank reactors with non-Newtonian liquids
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 211, p. 115280

Cfd simulation and analysis of reactive flow for dissolved manganese removal from drinking water by aeration process using an airlift reactor
journal of water process engineering, vol. 36, p. 101352

Cotton textile waste valorization for removal of tetracycline and paracetamol alone and in mixtures from aqueous solutions: Effects of H3 PO4 as an oxidizing agent
Water Environ Res., vol. 1, p. 1--15

Euler-Euler large eddy simulations of the gas–liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column
Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 369, p. 110823

Hydrolysis and fermentation steps of a pretreated sawmill mixed feedstock for bioethanol production in a wood biorefinery
bioresource technology, vol. 310, p. 123412

Modified scaba 6SRGT impellers for process intensification: Cavern size and energy saving when stirring viscoplastic fluids
Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification, vol. 148, p. 107795

Preparation and characterization of activated carbon developed from cotton cloth residue activated with phosphoric acid: adsorption of clofibric acid
water science and technology, vol. 11, p. 1
2020 nov

Rheological Study And Prebiotic Potential Of Cereus Triangularis Cladodes Extract
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, vol. 4, p. 12--22

Rheological investigations of water-soluble polysaccharides from the Tunisian brown seaweed Cystoseira compressa
Food Hydrocolloids, vol. 103, p. 105631--105631

Towards a Better Understanding of the Removal of Carbamazepine by Ankistrodesmus braunii: Investigation of Some Key Parameters
applied sciences, vol. 10, p. 1

Biological methanation: a challenge in chemical engineering
2020 sep.

Efficiency of mixed physical and electrochemical treatments on liquid effluents from an anaerobic digester
International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium SICHEM 2020 (Bucharest, Romania, on-line, 17-18 September 2020)
2020 sep 17

Microalgal biopolymers with complex interfacial with complex with complex interfacial and rheological properties: Strategies of extraction-purification and examples of application
International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2020 (Bucharest, on-line, 17-18 September 2020)
2020 sep 18

Mixing hydrodynamics in an anaerobic digester
International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium, SICHEM 2020 (Bucharest, on-line, 17-18 September 2020)
2020 sep 18

Optimization of olive oil mill wastewater treatment by means of electrocoagulation
International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium SICHEM 2020 (Bucharest, Romania, on-line, 17-18 September 2020)
2020 sep 18

A regenerable microporous adsorbent based on microcrystalline cellulose for organic pollutants adsorption
Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 146, p. 176--187

Analysis of liquid-to-gas mass transfer, mixing and hydrogen production in dark fermentation process
chemical engineering journal, vol. 372, p. 715--727

Basic red dye removal by coupling electrocoagulation process with biological treatment
environmental engineering and management journal, vol. 18, p. 563--573

Biohydrogen production from carob waste of the lebanese industry by dark fermentation
biofuels, vol. 2019, p. 1

Camel alpha-lactalbumin at the oil-water interface: effect of pH and heat treatment on the structure, surface characteristics and emulsifying properties
LWT, vol. 116, p. 108550

Combined effects of digestate viscosity and agitation conditions on the fermentative biohydrogen production
biochemical engineering journal, vol. 142, p. 105--116

Comparative analysis of industrial processes for cadmium removal from phosphoric acid: a review
hydrometallurgy, vol. 188, p. 222--247

Mapping surface water erosion potential in the soummam watershed in northeast algeria with rusle model
journal of mountain science, vol. 16, p. 1606--1615

Microwave-assisted organosolv pretreatment of a sawmill mixed feedstock for bioethanol production in a wood biorefinery
bioresource technology, vol. 276, p. 170--176

Optimization of lactic acid production using immobilized lactobacillus rhamnosus and carob pod waste from the lebanese food industry
journal of biotechnology, vol. 306, p. 81--88

Treatment of dairy wastewater by electrocoagulation process: advantages of combined iron/aluminum electrodes
separation science and technology (philadelphia), vol. 2019, p. 1

Wood-lignin : Supply, extraction processes and use as bio-based material
European Polymer Journal, vol. 112, p. 228--240

Biohydrogen production by dark fermentation: impact of spatial heterogeneities and modeling of an anaerobic bioreactor.
8th IBA-IFIBiop-2019, International Conference on Industrial Bioprocessing, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, May 1-5, 2019

Experimental analysis of hydrogen production, liquid to gas mass transfer and mixing in dark fermentation process.
International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Treatment and Management (SWTM-2019), Yangling, China, May 6-9, 2019

Biohydrogen production by dark fermentation: impact of spatial heterogeneities and modeling of an anaerobic bioreactor. 8th IBA-IFIBiop-2019, International Conference on Industrial Bioprocessing, May 1-5, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
8th IBA-IFIBiop-2019, International Conference on Industrial Bioprocessing

CFD simulations of aerated non-Newtonian fermentations: a focus on mixing and mass transfer performance
14th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-14 (Guilin, China)
2019 may

Removal of persistent pollutants using unconventional materials
11th International Conference of Applied Sciences CISA 2019 (Bacau, Romania, 22-24 June 2019)

Studies on the removal of persistent organic pollutants by adsorption using different types of biomass
11th International Conference of Applied Sciences CISA 2019 (Bacu, Romania, 22-24 June 2019)

Applied of central composite design for the optimization of removal yield of the ketoprofen (ktp) using electrocoagulation process
separation science and technology, vol. 1, p. 1--13
2018 dec

Effects of acid-basic treatments of date stones on lead (ii) adsorption
separation science and technology, vol. 1, p. 1--15
2018 oct

Polycaprolactone/bioactive glass hybrid scaffolds for bone regeneration
biomedical glasses, vol. 4, p. 108--122

food technology and biotechnology, vol. 56, p. 1

Immersed membrane bioreactors: present status, especially for biofuel and biomolecules production.
2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Material Technology (BEEM 2018), Vivaldi Park, Gangwon Province, Corée, 10-13 juin 2018 (Invited speaker).

Immersed membrane bioreactors: present status, especially for biofuel and biomolecules production.
International Symposium on Advanced Membrane Bioreactors for Environment Sustainability (AMBRES 2018), Tianjin, Chine, 15-18 avril 2018 (Keynote speaker)

Characterization of the local hydromechanical stress through experimental and numerical analysis of hydrodynamics under dark fermentation operating conditions
XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-23 (Ghent, Belgium).
2018 nov.

Etude du mélange et du transfert de matière gaz-liquide en conditions de production de biohydrogène par fermentation sombre
10ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA 2018 (Bacau, Romania).
2018 jun.

Experimental analysis of hydrogen production, liquid-to-gas mass transfer and mixing in dark fermentation process,
XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-23 (Ghent, Belgium).

Prétraitement par solvant de connexes de scierie en vue de la production de bioéthanol dans une bioraffinerie multi-ressources
10ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA 2018 (Bacau, Romania)
2018 jun.

Prétraitement par solvant de connexes de scierie en vue de la production de bioéthanol dans une bioraffinerie multi-ressources
10ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA 2018 (Bacau, Romania)
2018 jun.

Analysis of the variability of food texture properties: application to the fracturability of dry pet food
journal of texture studies, vol. 48, p. 586--596

Electrocoagulation process in water treatment: a review of electrocoagulation modeling approaches
Desalination, vol. 404, p. 1--21

Elimination of whey proteins by electrocoagulation: investigation of some key operational parameters and modeling
desalination and water treatment, vol. 68, p. 143--152

Experimental and numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and mixing in a dual-impeller mechanically-stirred digester
Chemical engineering journal, vol. 329, p. 142--155

Harvesting of microalgae chlorella vulgaris using electro-coagulation-flocculation in the batch mode
algal research - biomass, biofuels and bioproducts, vol. 25, p. 1--11
2017 jul

Hybrid electrocoagulation/electroflotation/electrodisinfection process as a pretreatment for seawater desalination
Chemical engineering science, vol. 170, p. 530--541

Mixing and liquid-to-gas transfer under digester operating conditions.
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 170, p. 606--627

Numerical modeling of ferrous iron oxidation in a split-rectangular airlift reactor
Chemical engineering science, vol. 170, p. 705--719

Preliminary purification of volatile fatty acids in a digestate from acidogenic fermentation by electrocoagulation
separation and purification technology, vol. 184, p. 220--230
2017 aug

Removal of manganese (ii) from drinking water by aeration process using an airlift reactor
Journal of water process engineering, vol. 16, p. 233--239

Structural characterization and rheological properties of a galactomannan from astragalus gombo bunge seeds harvested in algerian sahara
Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 175, p. 387--394
2017 nov

Valorization of carob waste: definition of a second-generation bioethanol production process
Bioresource Technology, vol. 235, p. 25--34
2017 jul

Structural characterization and physico-chemical potential of a heteroxylan extracted from Plantago notata Lagasca (Plantaginaceae) seeds.
7th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBIOP 2017) Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Chine, May 21-24th, 2017

The prebiotic potential of a new galactomannan extracted from Astragalus gombo seeds
7th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBIOP 2017) Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Chine, May 21-24th, 2017

Immersed membrane bioreactors: present status and new tools for their design.
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ETBWC), Nagpur, Inde, 8-10 octobre 2017.

Les mousses alimentaires : de la formulation au procédé
5èmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Agro-Alimentaire JSAA-2017 (Sousse, Tunisie)
2017 apr.

Present status and perspectives of immersed membrane bioreactors.
7th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Wuxi, Chine, 21-24 mai 2017.

Bioactive polysaccharides from African terrestrial plants: the importance of ethnobotany
5th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference. Jena, Août 2017, Allemagne

Caractérisation structurale et étude des propriétés physico-chimiques et biologiques de deux polysaccharides extraits des plantes africaines, Plantago notata et Astragalus armatus
Séminaire International POLYSAC 2017. Ouargla, Novembre 2017, Algérie
2017 nov

De l'histoire de l'ethnobotanisme en Afrique vers la découverte de nouvelles sources de polysaccharides actifs
Séminaire International POLYSAC 2017. Ouargla, Novembre 2017, Algérie
2017 nov

Hybrid Electrocoagulation/Electroflotation/Electrodisinfection (EC-EF-ED) process as a pretreatment for seawater desalination
13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-13 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
2017 aug.

Influence of mixing conditions and digestate viscosity on the production of second-generation biohydrogen
22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference WHEC22 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2017 jun.

Mixing and liquid-to-gas mass transfer under digester operating conditions
13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-13 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
2017 aug.

Numerical modelling of iron (II) oxidation by aeration in an airlift reactor
13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-13 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
2017 aug.

The use of response surface methodology for evaluating the recovery of the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by electro-coagulation-flocculation
SFGP 2017, Nancy, 11 – 13 Juillet 2017

Validation of a modified ADM1 model for the simulation of biohydrogen production through dark fermentation process
22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference WHEC22 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2017 jun.

Structural characterization and physico-chemical potential of a heteroxylan extracted from plantago notata lagasca (plantaginaceae) seeds
International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Wuxi, Mai 2017, Chine
2017 may

The prebiotic potential of a new galactomannan extracted from astragalus gombo seeds
7th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Wuxi, Mai 2017, Chine
2017 may

Adsorption of astrazon orange g onto natural moroccan phosphate rock: a mechanistic study
journal of environmental chemical engineering, vol. 4, p. 2556--2564
2016 jun

Assessment of hardness, microorganism and organic matter removal from seawater by electrocoagulation as a pretreatment of desalination by reverse osmosis
Desalination, vol. 393, p. 90--101

Basic red dye removal by coupling electrocoagulation process with biological treatment
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 14, p. 639--645

Is carbonyl index a quantitative probe to monitor polypropylene photodegradation?
Polymer degradation and stability, vol. 128, p. 200--208

Multiscale mixing analysis and modeling of biohydrogen production by dark fermentation.
Renewable Energy, vol. 98, p. 264--282

Elimination of whey proteins by electrocoagulation: Investigation of some key operational parameters and modeling
International Congress, Water, Waste and Energy Management (Rome, Italy)
2016 jul.

Etude de la récolte des microalgues par électrocoagulation-floculation
9ème Colloque franco-roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrROCA (Clermont-Fd, France)
2016 jun.

Experimental and numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and mixing in a dual-impeller mechanically-stirred digester
XXII International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-22 (London, U.K.)
2016 sep.

Hybrid Separation of volatile fatty acids and simultaneous treatment of digestate wastewater by electrocoagulation
International Congress, Water, Waste and Energy Management (Rome, Italy)
2016 jul.

Stratégie analytique pour la quantification de sous-produits organo-azotés émergents dans les matrices aqueuses
9ème Colloque franco-roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrROCA (Clermont-Fd, France)
2016 jun.

Valorisation des déchets de caroube libanais : définition d’un procédé de production de bioéthanol de 2ème génération
9ème Colloque franco-roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrROCA (Clermont-Fd, France)
2016 jun.

Étude probabiliste des propriétés de texture d'un produit alimentaire
9èmes Journées Fiabilité Matériaux Structures JFMS (Nancy, France)
2016 apr.

Caractérisation structural et étude rhéologique de galactomannanes extraits d’Astragalus gombo bunge
9ème Colloque COFrRoCA. Clermont-Ferrand, Juin 2016, France
2016 jun

Elimination du colorant Orange II des solutions aqueuses sur hydroxydes doubles calcinés
9ème Colloque franco-roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrROCA (Clermont-Fd, France)
2016 jun.

Assessment of denitrification using electrocoagulation process
the canadian journal of chemical engineering, vol. 93, p. 241--248
2015 feb

Cfd simulation of flow and mixing in-inline rotor-stator mixers with complex fluids
canadian journal of chemical engineering, vol. 93, p. 391--403

Controlling contamination for determination of ultra-trace levels of priority pollutants chlorophenols in environmental water matrices
Arabian journal of chemistry, vol. 1, p. 1--9

Development of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor for concurrent extraction of volatile fatty acids and biohydrogen production
bioresource technology, vol. 196, p. 290--300

Modeling of hydrodynamics and mixing in a submerged membrane bioreactor
Chemical engineering journal, vol. 282, p. 77--90

Physico-chemical, thermal, and mechanical approaches for the characterization of solubilized and solid state chitosans
journal of applied polymer science, vol. 132, p. 41257

Removal of carbamazepine by electrocoagulation: investigation of some key operational parameters
environmental engineering and management journal, vol. 14, p. 639--645

Immersed membrane bioreactors: state of the art and perspectives.
NHBT-2015, Trivandrum, Inde, 22-25 novembre 2015.

Multiscale analysis and modeling of biohydrogen production by dark fermentation
New Horizons in Biotechnology NHBT 2015 (Trivandrum, India)
2015 nov.

Analysis of the Influence of Abiotic Parameters of a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor for BioH2 Production Using a Coupled Experimental and Numerical Methodology
12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-12 (New York, USA)
2015 jun.

Computational and experimental analysis of biohydrogen of hydrodynamics and mixing in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for BioH2 production
10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering - ECCE 10 (Nice, France)
2015 sep.

Harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris using Electrocoagulation-flocculation,
Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA (COmité de DEveloppement du GEnie des PRocédés en Rhônes-Alpes Auvergne), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 5 Novembre 2015

Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in laboratory-scale Kühni-type Columns for application to gas-liquid precipitation/flotation hybrid process
10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering- ECCE 10 (Nice, France)
2015 sep.

Modeling and Simulation By CFD of an Electrocoagulation Reactor
12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-12 (New York, USA)
2015 jun.

Multi-Scale Modelling of an Airlift-Loop Reactor Applied to Remove of Ferrous Iron from Potable Water
12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering GLS-12 (New York, USA)
2015 jun.

Treatment of dairy effluent by electrocoagulation using combined iron and aluminium electrodes
10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering- ECCE 10 (Nice, France)
2015 sep.

Utilisation des outils expérimentaux avancés pour évaluer les propriétés de l’écoulement et du mélange dans un réacteur à cuve agitée destiné à la production du BioH2.
Journée scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2015

The role of some operating parameters in the removal of an emerging pharmaceutic pollutant by UV irradiation
10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering-ECCE 10 (Nice, France)
2015 sep.

Development of a model foamy viscous fluid [developpement d'un modele de dispersion gaz-liquide de type mousse liquide visqueuse]
oil and gas science and technology, vol. 69, p. 481--497

Experimental analysis and modeling of denitrification using electrocoagulation process
Separation and purification technology, vol. 132, p. 644--654

Investigation of interfacial phenomena during condensation of humid air on a horizontal substrate [investigation de phenomenes interfaciaux au cours de la condensation d'air humide sur un substrat horizontal]
oil and gas science and technology, vol. 69, p. 445--456

CFD Optimization of a Submerged Membrane Reactor for Biohydrogen Production.
World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science - WCECS 2014, 22-24 octobre, San Francisco, Californie, USA.

Development of a submerged membrane reactor for BioH2 production: Hydrodynamic modeling.
ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014, Madrid, Spain, July 1-4.

Etude cinétique et thermodynamique de l’adsorption de colorants textiles par les phosphates naturels marocains,
9 e Congrès Francophone de Génie des Procédés (CFGP), Agadir, Maroc, 28–30 Avril 2014

Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Submerged Membrane Reactor for Biohydrogen Production.
Joint 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences - 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses ESBES-IFIBiop, 7-10 septembre, Lille, France.

Hydrodynamic modelling effects on mixing in submerged membrane reactor.
XXI International Conference on Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-21, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22-25.

Optimization of a Submerged Membrane Reactor for Biohydrogen Production.
International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, July 29-31.

Performance assessment and hydrodynamic analysis of a submerged membrane bioreactor for Biohydrogen production: Experimental and numerical analysis.
The 9th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST), Clermont-Ferrand, France, December 11-12.

Fly ash-derived zeolites as adsorbents for pollutant removal from wastewater
2nd International Conference on Natural and Anthropic Risks ICNAR2014, Bacau, Romanie, 4 – 7 Juin 2014

Characterization of bioreactors using computational fluid dynamics (In: fermentation processes engineering in the food industry)
CRC Press Carlos Ricardo Soccol, Ashok Pandey, Christian Larroche

Comparison of polysaccharide degradations by dynamic high-pressure homogenization
food hydrocolloids, vol. 27, p. 278--286

Comparison, combination and validation of measuring techniques for local flow and turbulence analysis in bubble columns and airlift reactors
canadian journal of chemical engineering, vol. 81, p. 749--755

Static mixers in the process industries - a review
chemical engineering research and design, vol. 81, p. 787--826

Experimental and theoretical analysis of the hydrodynamics in the riser of an external loop airlift reactor
chemical engineering science, vol. 57, p. 4745--4762

A simple method for regime identification and flow characterisation in bubble columns and airlift reactors
chemical engineering and processing, vol. 40, p. 135--151

Cfd simulation of precipitation in the sliding-surface mixing device
chemical engineering science, vol. 56, p. 1677--1685

Influence of gas distribution and regime transitions on liquid velocity and turbulence in a 3-d bubble column
chemical engineering science, vol. 56, p. 1085--1093

Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in bubble column reactors. influence of bubble coalescence and break-up
chemical engineering science, vol. 56, p. 6359--6365

Development of a hydrodynamic model for air-lift reactors
brazilian journal of chemical engineering, vol. 17, p. 607--615

Study of hydrodynamic behaviour in bubble columns and external loop airlift reactors through analysis of pressure fluctuations
chemical engineering science, vol. 55, p. 2957--2973

Influence of coalescence behaviour of the liquid and of gas sparging on hydrodynamics and bubble characteristics in a bubble column
chemical engineering and processing: process intensification, vol. 38, p. 329--344

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