El Khamlichi Drissi Khalil
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Location : | EUPI Bat. 3/4/L |
Team : | Cem (PHOTON) |
NUC section : | 63 |
Phone : | +33473407326 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Homepage : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khalil_Drissi |
Associated publications :
100 publications found2021
Cartographie du rayonnement electromagnetique par une eletronique embarquee
20ème Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique (CEM 2020)
2021 apr

Electro mobilité : commande d'un double-onduleur
Revue 3EI, vol. 102, p. 75--82

Closed-loop control of nervous response
International Neuroscience Conference
2020 jul.

Deterministic-Stochastic Modeling of a Glide Path Antenna System above a Multilayer
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility

Nerve Activity Analysis Using Matrix Pencil Method
International Neuroscience Conference
2020 jul.

A sliding mode control and artificial neural network based MPPT for a direct grid-connected photovoltaic source
Asian Journal of Control, vol. 20, p. 1--14
2019 jan.

Closed Loop Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation Control Used in Inverter Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System for Reduced Switching Losses
Revue Roumaine Sciences Techniques – Électrotechnique et Énergie., vol. 64, p. 357--363
2019 oct.

Protection of a Buried Telecommunication Cable against Lightning using Follow-on Earth Wire
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
2019 sep.

Sliding Mode Control and Discontinuous PWM for Minimum Switching Losses in Inverter Grid-Connected PV System
International Symposium on Technology and Sustainable Industry Development

Analytical Formulation for Shielding Effectiveness of a Lossy Enclosure Containing Apertures
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 60, p. 1384--1392
2018 oct

Integral Equation Formulations and Related Numerical Solution Methods in Some Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Nerve Fiber Stimulation
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, vol. 9, p. 65--84
2018 nov

Stochastic Collocation Applications in Computational Electromagnetics
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, p. 13

Time domain generalized telegrapher’s equations for the electromagnetic field coupling to finite-length wires buried in a lossy half-space
Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 160, p. 199--204
2018 jul

Computational Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility: Antenna Theory Approach versus Transmission Line Models
Wiley Book John Wiley & Sons
2018 may

Computational Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility: Antennas Theory Approach versus Transmission Line Models
IA Elec Engg & Telecommunications John Wiley & Sons, Inc

On the Various Applications of Stochastic Collocation in Computational Electromagnetics
Springer F. Canavero

Frequency domain deterministic-stochastic analysis of the transient current induced along a ground penetrating radar dipole antenna over a lossy half-space
ground penetrating radar journal, vol. 1, p. 37--51

Efficiency of Matrix Pencil Method in Stimulus Artifact Removal
World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-Med)
2018 sep 13

Modèle analytique du couplage d'une onde plane sur une ligne dans un caisson de blindage - Comparaison numérique et expérimentale
19ème colloque CEM France

Novel Analytical Formulation for Shielding Effectiveness Calculation of Lossy Enclosures Containing Elliptical Apertures
International symposium and exhibition on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC EUROPE 2018)

Stimulus Artifact Removal using Matrix Pencil Method
International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom)
2018 sep 15

Efficiency of Matrix Pencil Method in Stimulus Artifact Removal
World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-Med)
2018 sep 13

Novel Analytical Formulation for Shielding Effectiveness Calculation of Lossy Enclosures Containing Elliptical Apertures
International symposium and exhibition on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC EUROPE 2018)

Stimulus Artifact Removal using Matrix Pencil Method
International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom)
2018 sep

Analysis of Plane Wave Coupling to Multi-Conductor Line Above Lossy Soil
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 2, p. 5, 14

Analytical models for electromagnetic coupling of an open metallic shield containing a loaded wire
ieee transactions on electromagnetic compatibility, vol. 59, p. 1634--1637
2017 oct

Deterministic stochastic boundary element modeling of the brain and eye exposed to high-frequency radiation
int. j. comp. meth. and exp. meas., vol. 5, p. 250--259

Stochastic post-processing of the deterministic boundary element modelling of the transient electric field from gpr dipole antenna propagating through lower half-space
international journal of computational methods and experimental measurements, vol. 5, p. 678--685

Voltage THD Reduction for Dual-Inverter Fed Open-End Load with Isolated DC Sources
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, p. 2102, 2111
2017 mar.

Advanced analysis of the transient impedance of the horizontal grounding electrode: from statistics to sensitivity indices
xxxiind international union of radio science general assembly and scientific symposium, montreal, canada

An efficient deterministic-stochastic model for the homogeneous human brain model dosimetry: anova approaches for sensitivity analysis of model parameters
spas2017 international conference on stochastic processes and algebraic structures, vasteras, sweden

Analysis of Electrophysiological Activities Using Matrix Pencil Method
IEEE EUROCON 2017 -17th International Conference on Smart Technologies
2017 jul

Analysis of Electrophysiological Activities Using Matrix Pencil Method
IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON)
2017 jul.

Analysis of electrophysiological activities using matrix pencil method
ieee eurocon 2017 -17th international conference on smart technologies
2017 jul

Analytical formulation for shielding effectiveness calculation of a lossy enclosure containing holes
electromagnetic compatibility - emc europe, 2017 international symposium on

Applications of stochastic collocation method in electromagnetic compatibility
spas2017 international conference on stochastic processes and algebraic structures, vasteras, sweden

Closed form model of radiated EM field from wired systems and analysis of coupling impact
EMC Europe 2017
2017 sep

High Frequency Performance of Ground Rod in Two-layer Soil
IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON)
2017 jul.

Sensitivity analysis of the time transient currents induced along thin wires buried in lossy and uncertain environments
antennas and propagation (eucap), 2017 11th european conference on, paris, france

Statistical transient impedance of horizontal grounding systems: application to sensitivity analysis with anova approaches
computer and energy science (splitech), 2017 2nd international multidisciplinary conference on, split, croatia

Analytical models to evaluate the coupling between a plane wave and a transmission line inside an enclosure containing apertures
URSI France

An efficient deterministic-stochastic model for the homogeneous human brain model dosimetry: anova approaches for sensitivity analysis of model parameters
spas2017 international conference on stochastic processes and algebraic structures, vasteras, sweden

Analysis of Electrophysiological Activities Using Matrix Pencil Method
IEEE EUROCON 2017 -17th International Conference on Smart Technologies
2017 jul

Analytical formulation for shielding effectiveness calculation of a lossy enclosure containing holes
Proc. of 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE

Applications of stochastic collocation method in electromagnetic compatibility
spas2017 international conference on stochastic processes and algebraic structures, vasteras, sweden

Closed form model of radiated EM field from wired systems and analysis of coupling impact
EMC Europe 2017
2017 sep

Statistical transient impedance of horizontal grounding systems: application to sensitivity analysis with anova approaches
computer and energy science (splitech), 2017 2nd international multidisciplinary conference on, split, croatia

Current conversion method and device, vehicle comprising such a device
2017 may 18

Current conversion method and device, vehicle comprising such a device
2017 may

A stochastic analysis of the transient current induced along the thin wire scatterer buried in a lossy medium
international journal of antennas and propagation, vol. 2016, p. 1--12

Adapted NSPWM for Single DC-Link Dual-Inverter Fed Open-End Motor with Negligible Low-Order Harmonics and Efficiency Enhancement
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, p. 8271, 8281
2016 dec.

An Efficient Model of the Electromagnetic Field Radiated from Different PLC Configurations
International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, vol. 6, p. 232, 238
2016 aug.

Angular Modulation of Dual-VSI Fed Open-End Motor for Electrical Vehicle Applications
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, p. 2980, 2990
2016 apr.

Combined Random Space Vector Modulation for a Variable Speed Drive Using Induction Motor
Electrical Engineering, vol. 98, p. 1, 15
2016 mar.

On deterministic-stochastic time domain study of dipole antenna for gpr applications
engineering analysis with boundary elements, vol. 73, p. 14--20

Transient Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Buried Thin Wire Configurations
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2016, p. 1, 11
2016 feb.

Mode commun d'une double alimentation d'un moteur asynchrone : application au véhicule électrique
18ème colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique
2016 jul

Deterministic-stochastic boundary element modeling of the brain and eye exposed to high-frequency radiation
39th int. conf. on boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods, siena, italy

Integral Equation Models in Some Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Nerve fiber stimulation
2016 jul.

On some applications of stochastic collocation method in computational electromagnetics: applications in ground penetrating radar, bioelectromagnetics, grounding systems and buried lines
software, telecommunications and computer networks (softcom), 2016 24th international conference on, split, croatia

Stochastic collocation method applied to transcranial magnetic stimulation analysis
bioem 2016, ghent, belgium

Stochastic post-processing of the deterministic boundary element modelling of the transient electric field from gpr dipole antenna propagating through lower half-space
39th int. conf. on boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods, siena, italy

Stochastic sensitivity in thermal dosimetry for the homogeneous human brain model
bioem 2016, ghent, belgium

Evaluation des champs EM rayonnés à partir des courants aux discontinuités
colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique
2016 jul.

Deterministic-stochastic boundary element modeling of the brain and eye exposed to high-frequency radiation
39th int. conf. on boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods, siena, italy

Mode commun d'une double alimentation d'un moteur asynchrone : application au véhicule électrique
18ème colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique

On some applications of stochastic collocation method in computational electromagnetics: applications in ground penetrating radar, bioelectromagnetics, grounding systems and buried lines
software, telecommunications and computer networks (softcom), 2016 24th international conference on, split, croatia

Stochastic post-processing of the deterministic boundary element modelling of the transient electric field from gpr dipole antenna propagating through lower half-space
39th int. conf. on boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods, siena, italy

Stochastic collocation method applied to transcranial magnetic stimulation analysis
bioem 2016, ghent, belgium

Stochastic sensitivity in thermal dosimetry for the homogeneous human brain model
bioem 2016, ghent, belgium

Method of controlling a three-phase inverter implementing a vector modulation
2016 apr. 14

Method of controlling a three-phase inverter implementing a vector modulation
2016 apr

Power conversion method and device and vehicle comprising such a device
2016 jul

Power conversion method and device and vehicle comprising such a device
2016 jul. 14

Electromagnetic Compatibility in Air Insulation Substation
Automatika, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, vol. 55, p. 416, 424
2015 jan.

Frequency Domain Analysis of EM Crosstalk Problem in a Quad by the Equivalent Cable Bundle Method among Twisted-Wire Pairs Cable Bundle
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, p. 1, 4
2015 nov.

High-Input-Voltage High-Frequency Class E Rectifiers for Resonant Inductive Links
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, p. 1328, 1335
2015 mar.

On the use of the vertical straight wire model in electromagnetic and related boundary element solution
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 50, p. 19, 28
2015 jan.

Simplified dipole concept for the assessment of transient electromagnetic field in the vicinity of grounding grid
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 28, p. 404, 418
2015 sep.

Transient Behaviour of Grounding System in a Two-Layer Soil Using the Transmission Line Theory
Automatika, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, vol. 55, p. 306, 316
2015 jan.

Stochastic collocation analysis of the transient current induced along the wire buried in a lossy medium, wit transactions on modelling and simulation, computational methods and experimental measurements xvii
wit press wit press

Direct Time Domain Modelling of the Transient Field Transmitted in a Dielectric Half-Space for GPR Applications
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
2015 sep.

Frequency domain analysis of EM crosstalk problem in a quad by the equivalent cable bundle method among twisted-wire pairs cable bundle
Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG)
2015 may

Modified SVM to meet CMV and DC current ripple reduction
International Conference on Power Electronics (ICPE-ECCE Asia)
2015 jun.

Modélisation du rayonnement électromagnétique émis par une structure CPL
Telecom et JFMMA
2015 may

New Strategy to Balance Neutral-point Voltage in Three-level VSI Based on SVM Regarding Output Current
Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE – Europe)
2015 sep.

Some Remarks Related to First 150 Years of Maxwell’s Equations
International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SOFTCOM)
2015 sep.

Modified SVM to meet CMV and DC current ripple reduction
International Conference on Power Electronics (ICPE-ECCE Asia)
2015 jun

New Strategy to Balance Neutral-point Voltage in Three-level VSI Based on SVM Regarding Output Current
Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE – Europe)
2015 sep

Comparison of Matrix Pencil Extracted Features in Time Domain and in Frequency Domain for Radar Target Classificat
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2014, p. 1, 9
2014 feb.

Spread Spectrum in Full Bridge DC-DC Converter by Optimized Dual RPWM Scheme
The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 10, p. 666, 673
2014 jan.

Spread Spectrum in Three-Phase Inverter by an Optimised Dual Randomised PWM Technique
International Journal of Electronics, vol. 101, p. 308, 324
2014 mar.

Electromagnetic Environment of Grounding Systems
Springer Book Chapter F. SABATH and E. L. MOKOLE
2014 jan.

Caractérisation efficiente d'objets diffractants dans le domaine fréquentiel
Colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique

New method for predicting crosstalk Next and Fext within a telecommunication cable
Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation
2014 may

Robust UWB Radar Target Classification in White Gaussian Noise based on Matrix Pencil Method in Frequency Domain and Mahalanobis Distance
International Radar Conference
2014 oct.

Time domain analysis of the horizontal grounding electrode: Antenna theory approach versus transmission line approximation
EMC Europe
2014 sep.

Transient Response of a Grounding Electrode using the Wire Antenna Theory Approach
Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO)
2014 apr.

Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Arbitrary Wire Configurations Above a Lossy Ground Using the Antenna Theory Approach
Colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique
2014 jul.

Plane Wave Coupling to Horizontal Two-Wire above Homogeneous Lossy Soil: Comparison Between TL and Complex Image Approach
Colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique
2014 jul.

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