Coste Jérôme
Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Location : | Montpied / Dunand |
Team : | ICCN (TGI) |
Phone : | +33473751002 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Associated publications :
146 publications found2025
Automated segmentation of deep brain structures from inversion-recovery mri
computerized medical imaging and graphics, vol. 120, p. 102488
2025 jan

An mri deep brain adult template with an advanced atlas-based tool for diffusion tensor imaging analysis
scientific data, vol. 11, p. 1189
2024 nov

Brain color-coded diffusion imaging: utility of acpc reorientation of gradients in healthy subjects and patients
computer methods and programs in biomedicine, vol. 257, p. 108449
2024 oct

Probabilistic stimulation mapping from intra-operative thalamic deep brain stimulation data in essential tremor
journal of neural engineering, vol. 21, p. 1--27
2024 may

Bridging the gap: integrating deep brain stimulation imaging and clinical data in a unified data management system
Neuromodec - 2024 NYC neuromodulation conference
2024 aug 1

Comparative analysis of statistical methods for determining deep brain stimulation sweet spots
20th biennial meeting of the world society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2024 sep 03

Exploring the impact of data and statistical methods for defining sweet spots in deep brain stimulation
9th european medical and biological engineering conference
2024 jun 9

How many is enough? the influence of patient count on structural normative template quality.
9th european medical and biological engineering conference
2024 jun 9

Probabilistic mapping of the effect of deep brain stimulation in the ventral thalamus for essential tremor from intraoperative stimulation data: a proof of concept
Neuromodec - 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference 2024
2024 aug 1

Redcap and sqlite: a powerful combination for streamlining metadata capture in deep brain stimulation research
9th european medical and biological engineering conference
2024 jun 9

Segmentation automatisee de structures cerebrales profondes a partir d'irms a inversion-recuperation
rfiap 2024 - reconnaissance des formes, image, apprentissage et perception
2024 jul

Deep brain mri architecture
11th neuro-engineering workshop
2024 nov 7

Bridging the gap: integrating deep brain stimulation imaging and clinical data in unified data management system
11th neuro-engineering workshop
2024 nov 7

Exploring the impact of statistical methods for defining "sweet spots" in deep brain stimulation
11th neuro-engineering workshop
2024 nov 7

Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in severe parkinson's disease: relationships between dual-contact topographic setting and 1-year worsening of speech and gait
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 165, p. 1--27
2023 oct 27

High-resolution intra-operative data for the generation of probabilistic stimulation maps in DBS of Vim for ET.
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2023 sep. 27

Learning from the Past: Probabilistic Deep Brain Stimulation Atlas Based on Intra-Operative Data
11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
2023 apr. 25

An online movement and tremor identification algorithm for evaluation during deep brain stimulation
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8, p. 105--108
2022 aug. 01

Neural correlates of consciousness and related disorders: from phenotypic descriptors of behavioral and relative consciousness to cortico-subcortical circuitry
neurochirurgie, vol. 68, p. 112--122

A movement and tremor identification algorithm for evaluations during deep brain stimulation
Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering | BMT 2022
2022 sep. 29

Development and implementation of a concept for automatic patient-specific DBS parameter identification
10th neuro-engineering symposium
2022 nov. 02

Atlas optimization for deep brain stimulation
ifmbe proceedings 8th european medical and biological engineering conference, vol. 80, p. 1--13
2021 feb

Disrupted pallido-thalamo-cortical functional connectivity in chronic disorders of consciousness
brain sciences, vol. 11, p. 356
2021 mar

Early deformation of deep brain stimulation electrodes following surgical implantation: intracranial, brain, and electrode mechanics
frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, vol. 9, p. 657875
2021 jun

Neural correlates of rehabilitation program with robot-assisted intensive therapy in one case of Holmes tremor
annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, vol. 64, p. 101411
2021 jun

Risk-taking behaviors of adult bedridden patients in neurosurgery: what could/should we do?
frontiers in medicine, vol. 8, p. 676538
2021 aug

Intraoperative electrophysiology during deep brain surgeries in disorders of consciousness
24th congress, european society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, essfn 2021
2021 sep

Anatomical brain structures normalization for deep brain stimulation in movement disorders
neuroimage-clinical, vol. 26, p. 102271
2020 apr

Stimulation Maps: Visualization of results of quantitative intraoperative testing for deep brain stimulation surgery
medical and biological engineering and computing, vol. 58, p. 1--14
2020 jan 30

Anatomical brain structures normalization for deep brain stimulation in movement disorders
4eme journee scientifique commune techmed - chu clermont-ferrand (tgi-ip / mps-iccf)
2020 sep 25

Optimization of group-specific template generation for deep brain stimulation
2020 sep

Mri atlas of the human deep brain
frontiers in neurology, vol. 10, p. 851
2019 jul

Pulse generator battery life in deep brain stimulation: out with the old… in with the less durable?
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 161, p. 2043--2046
2019 aug. 23

Glioblastomas extension on dti: prospective and comparative study versus metastases and healthy subjects
3eme journee scientifique commune tgi-ip / mps-iccf / techmed - chu clermont-ferrand
2019 sep 27

Mri atlas of the human deep brain
3eme journee scientifique commune tgi-ip / mps-iccf / techmed - chu clermont-ferrand
2019 sep 27

Anatomical predictors of cognitive decline after subthalamic stimulation in parkinson's disease
brain structure and function, vol. 223, p. 3063--3072
2018 may

Brain diffusion imaging and tractography to distinguish clinical severity of human plp1-related disorders
developmental neuroscience, vol. 40, p. 301--311
2018 sep

Deep brain stimulation in five patients with severe disorders of consciousness
annals of clinical and translational neurology, vol. 5, p. 1372--1384

Analysis of adverse effects of stimulation during dbs surgery by patient-specific FEM simulations
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
2018 jul

Co-registering thalamus for analysis of patient-specific intra-operative improvement maps in DBS
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2018 sep 26

Conscious behaviors and deep brain stimulation
3rd dbs and 9th neuro-engineering workshop
2018 feb

Application des technologies innovantes dans les etats de conscience alteree : irm fonctionnelle, traitement du langage et charge emotionnelle
colloque 2018, france traumatisme cranien, association nationale des professionnels au service des traumatises craniens
2018 nov 9

Brain diffusion imaging and tractography to distinguish clinical severity of human plp1-related disorders
2ème journèe conjointe TGI MPS Techmed
2018 sep 21

Comportements conscients apres stimulation cerebrale profonde chez cinq patients souffrant de troubles de la conscience severes
colloque 2018, france traumatisme cranien, association nationale des professionnels au service des traumatises craniens
2018 nov

Analysis of adverse effects of stimulation during dbs surgery by patient-specific FEM simulations
40th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society
2018 jul

Co-registering thalamus for analysis of patient-specific intra-operative improvement maps in dbs
23th congress of the european society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2018 sep

A novel assistive method for rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery using acceleration sensors
journal of neurosurgery, vol. 127, p. 602--612

Intraoperative acceleration measurements to quantify improvement in tremor during deep brain stimulation surgery
medical and biological engineering and computing, vol. 55, p. 845--858

The brainstem and cerebral activation
the brainstem and behavior nova science publishers, inc.

Cerebral quantitative dti and tractography in 25 patients with plp1-related disorders
12th european paediatric neurology society congress
2017 jun

Conscious behaviors following bilateral pallido-thalamic low frequency stimulation in patients with continuing disorders of consciousness
17th quadrennial meeting of the world society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2017 jun

Deep brain stimulation in routine clinical practice: monocentric study of the battery lifetime of different generations of neurostimulators
17th quadrennial meeting of the world society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2017 jun

Learning more about the optimal anatomical position for deep brain stimulation in essential tremor patients: 3d visualisation of intraoperative stimulation test results
17th quadrennial meeting of the world society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2017 jun

A novel assistive method for rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery using acceleration sensors
1ere journee conjointe tgi techmed
2017 sep 22

Conscious behaviors following bilateral pallido-thalamic low frequency stimulation in patients with continuing disorders of consciousness
1ere journee conjointe tgi techmed
2017 sep 22

3d visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results in deep brain stimulation
joint conference of the european medical and biological engineering conference and the nordic-baltic conference on biomedical engineering and medical physics
2017 jun 12

Patient-specific electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for objective analysis of intraoperative stimulation tests in the thalamus
frontiers in human neuroscience, vol. 10, p. 577

Personalized mapping of the deep brain with a white matter attenuated inversion recovery (wair) sequence at 1.5-tesla: experience based on a series of 156 patients
neurochirurgie, vol. 62, p. 183--189

Subthalamus stimulation in parkinson disease: accounting for the bilaterality of contacts
surgical neurology international, vol. 7, p. 837--847

Time-course of myelination and atrophy on cerebral imaging in 35 patients with plp1 -related disorders
developmental medicine and child neurology, vol. 58, p. 706--713

3D visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results for better target selection in DBS surgery
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
2016 oct. 04

Chronic dbs stimulation of minimally conscious state: methodological issues
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2016 sep 28

Improving dbs targeting using 3d visualization of intraoperative stimulation tests
stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2016 sep 28

In vivo mapping and comparative analysis of human saccadic eye movement pathways by diffusion tensor mri-based tractography
research in vision and ophthalmology arvo annual meeting
2016 may 1

Intraoperative quantitative tremor evaluation in deep brain stimulation surgery
22th congress of the european society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2016 sep 28

Medico-economic analysis of a neurosurgery department at a university hospital
neurochirurgie, vol. 61, p. 2--15

A method for electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for intraoperative test stimulation
7th international ieee embs conference on neural engineering
2015 apr 22

A method for side effect analysis based on electric field simulations for intraoperative test stimulation in deep brain stimulation surgery
iupesm world congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering
2015 jun 7

Using acceleration sensors to identify rigidity release threshold during deep brain stimulation surgery
7th international ieee embs conference on neural engineering
2015 apr 22

Optimization of deep brain stimulation surgery for parkinson's disease with quantitative rigidity evaluation
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery
2015 sep 10

Use of quantitative tremor evaluation to enhance target selection during deep brain stimulation surgery for essential tremor
49th annual conference of the german society for biomedical engineering
2015 sep 16

Electrical modulation of neuronal networks in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness: a systematic review
annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation, vol. 33, p. 88--97

A method for electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for intraoperative test stimulation
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2014 sep. 17

Acceleration measurements to quantify changes in rigidity during deep brain stimulation surgery
Movement Disorders
2014 jun 8

Cerebral atrophy is linked to clinical severity and worsens with aging in patients with pelizaeus–merzbacher disease and spastic paraplegia type 2
42nd congress of the european society of neurological pediatry, in conjunction with the 20th mediterranean meeting of child neurology
2014 sep 3

Correlation analysis between quantitatively analyzed stimulation effects and anatomical position during deep brain stimulation surgery
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2014 sep 17

Analyse medico-economique d'un service de neurochirurgie en centre hospitalier et universitaire
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2014 dec 8

Quantitative evaluation of muscle tone using force and acceleration sensors
swiss society for biomedical engineering 2014 annual meeting
2014 aug 27

Patient-specific electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for intraoperative test-stimulations
1st impact workshop and 7th neurotech workshop
2014 may 15

A method to quantitatively evaluate changes in tremor during deep brain stimulation surgery
2013 6th international ieee/embs conference on neural engineering (ner)
2013 nov 6

A method to quantitatively evaluate tremor during deep brain stimulation surgery
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
2013 jun 26

Dti fiber tracking analysis of the visual input to the pallidum in humans: preliminary results
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
2013 may 5

Etude retrospective de la localisation des contacts effectifs sous-thalamiques chez 53 parkinsoniens severes : analyse des couples de contacts par une approche unifiee (droit-gauche) et independante (droit et gauche)
2013 nov 25

Intraoperative optical flow based tremor evaluation - a feasibility study
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
2013 sep 19

Using acceleration to quantify symptoms during deep brain stimulation surgery
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
2013 sep 19

Electrical modulation of neuronal networks in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness: a systematic review.
35emes journees de l'association de neuro-anesthesie reanimation de langue francaise
2013 nov 21

Contribution of local field potential to subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in parkinson's disease
20th world congress on parkinson's disease and related disorders
2013 dec 8

Quantifying changes in patient tremor using accelerometer during deep brain stimulation surgery
20th world congress on parkinson's disease and related disorders
2013 dec 8

Direct stereotactic targeting of the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus based on anatomic 1.5-t mri mapping with a white matter attenuated inversion recovery (wair) sequence
brain stimulation, vol. 5, p. 625--633

Surgical complications of deep brain stimulation: clinical experience of 184 cases
neurochirurgie, vol. 58, p. 219--224

Quantitative rigidity and tremor evaluation using accelerometer during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2012 sep

Quantitative rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
2012 sep 17

Acceleration measurements during dbs surgery for tremor
1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics
2012 sep 28

Contribution of local field potential to subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in parkinson's disease
1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics
2012 sep 28

Dti fiber tracking analysis of the visual input to the pallidum in humans: preliminary results
1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics
2012 sep 28

Selective cerebral response to autobiographical memory in the persistent vegetative state : a fmri case study
1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics
2012 sep 28

Basal ganglia dysfunction in ocd: subthalamic neuronal activity correlates with symptoms severity and predicts high-frequency stimulation efficacy.
transl psychiatry, vol. 1, p. 5

Advanced neuroimaging with computed tomography scanning
theory and applications of ct imaging and analysis intechopen publisher
2011 apr

Dysfunction of basal ganglia circuitry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders: subthalamic neuronal activity correlates with symptom severity
2011 apr 9

Analyse morphometrique du noyau sous-thalamique en imagerie par resonance magnetique nucleaire a 1.5 tesla
2011 nov 28

Conscious behavior after traumatic brain injury: anatomo-functional support and therapeutic prospects
26eme congres de la sofmer
2011 oct 13

Quantitative rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery-a preliminary study
swiss society for biomedical engineering - 2011 annual meeting
2011 aug 22

Agarose gels: model of artificial brain in neurosurgery
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
2010 oct 21

Relationships between gait disorder and Forel's Field during chronic subthalamic stimulation for severe Parkinson's disease
Movement disorders, Abstracts
2010 sep. 22

Etude de la production verbale orale chez les patients parkinsoniens : correlations entre activite neuronale de structures sous-thalamiques et denomination d'images
2010 dec 5

Does a symmetric setting of right and left contacts around the subthalamic nuclei, influence the occurrence of dysarthria and falls, during chronic stimulation in parkinson's disease?
annual meeting of the ibmisps
2010 may 24

Relations entre positions des contacts droit et gauche par rapport au noyau sous thalamique, dysarthrie et chutes : effet de la symetrie des montages utilises en stimulation chronique sous-thalamique dans la maladie de parkinson idiopathique
congres de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2010 may 26

Stimulation cerebrale profonde : evenements indesirables au cours de 184 procedures
congres de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2010 may 26

Toward a functional connectome of the brain: a medical perspective
annual meeting of the ibmisps
2010 may 24

Electrophysiological correlates from the subthalamic region for the performance of simple speech sequences
11th international science of aphasia conference
2010 aug 27

Contact position analysis of deep brain stimulation electrodes on post-operative ct images
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 151, p. 823--829

New electrophysiological mapping combined with mri in parkinsonian's subthalamic region
european journal of neuroscience, vol. 29, p. 1627--1633

Subthalamic nucleus location: relationships between stereotactic ac-pc-based diagrams and mri anatomy-based contours
stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, vol. 87, p. 337--347

Integrative function of single neurons in the human subthalamic nucleus during checking behavior
13th International Congress of Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders
2009 jun. 7

Subthalamic neuronal activity in patients with obsessivecompulsive disorders or parkinson's disease
13th international congress of parkinsons disease and movement disorders
2009 jun 07

Stimulation magnetique transcranienne repetee : une technique d'avenir de traitement des depressions du sujet age?
journee universitaire d'auvergne de psychiatrie 2009 (juap 2009)
2009 sep 24

Traitement des dépressions par stimulation magnétique transcrânienne : une technique d'avenir ?
Semaine du cerveau
2009 mar. 16

Dorsal horn nk1-expressing neurons control windup of downstream trigeminal nociceptive neurons
pain, vol. 137, p. 340--351

Postoperative control in deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic region: the contact membership concept
international journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, vol. 3, p. 69--77

Brain mapping in stereotactic surgery: a brief overview from the probabilistic targeting to the patient-based anatomic mapping
neuroimage, vol. 37, p. 109--115

Mri anatomical mapping and direct stereotactic targeting in the subthalamic region: functional and anatomical correspondence in parkinson's disease
international journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, vol. 2, p. 75--85

A tool for topographic analysis of electrode contacts in human cortical stimulation
11th international conference on computer vision (iccv 2007)
2007 oct 14

Etude anatomique du thalamus en irm 4,7 tesla et apport pour la segmentation manuelle des noyaux intrathalamiques en chirurgie stereotaxique
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2007 nov 25

Relations entre anatomie, irm et electrophysiologie dans la region sous-thalamique lors de l'implantation d'electrodes de stimulation cerebrale profonde pour maladie de parkinson idiopathique severe
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2007 nov 25

Stimulation du noyau sous-thalamique (dbs-stn) dans la maladie de parkinson : quelle cible pour la meilleure efficacite ?
revue neurologique
2007 jan 18

Stimulation thalamique chronique pour le controle du tremblement refractaire: apport de l'irm 1.5 tesla en sequence wair pour le ciblage direct du vim et l'analyse post operatoire des structures anatomiques potentiellement impliquees dans les effets
4emes journees francaises de neurochirurgie
2007 mar 7

Analysis of deep brain stimulation electrodes: a semi-automatic approach of contact localization
kongress der deutschen gesellschaft f\ur biomedizinische technik im vde
2007 sep 26

A role for wind-up in trigeminal sensory processing: intensity coding of nociceptive stimuli in the rat
cephalalgia, vol. 28, p. 631--639

Stimulation sous-thalamique dans la maladie de parkinson severe: etude de la localisation des contacts effectifs
neurochirurgie, vol. 52, p. 15--25

Comparison between atlas based diagrams used for indirect STN targeting and STN templates determined directly on steretactic MRI
Acta Neurochirurgica
2006 oct. 4

Relationships between mri anatomy and electrophysiological spontaneous unitary recordings in the subthalamic region during stereotactic surgery for severe idiopathic parkinson's disease
Acta Neurochirurgica
2006 oct

Somatotopy in the GPi: analysis of motor side effects during intraoperative assessment in a Parkinsonian
Acta Neurochirurgica
2006 oct. 4

Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls depend on arterial blood pressure in the anaesthetized rat
Journée de la Recherche
2006 nov

Somatotopie observée dans le GPi : analyse d’effets moteurs indésirables au cours d’une stimulation cérébrale profonde chez un patient parkinsonien
Journée de la Recherche
2006 nov. 23

Function and mechanisms of the wind-up in nociceptive trigeminal neurons
universite d'auvergne - clermont-ferrand 1
2006 dec 19

Irm stereotaxique de la region sous thalamique: optimisation d'une sequence de reperage pre operatoire pour la mise en place d'electrodes de stimulation profonde chronique
2005 nov 28

Stimulation cerebrale profonde et deplacement d'electrode : evaluation a moyen terme
2005 nov 23

Stimulation electrique a haute frequence du noyau sous thalamique dans la maladie de parkinson severe idiopathique: analyse du site optimal de stimulation a partir des donnees electrophysiologiques per operatoires et de l'irm anatomique stereotaxique
2005 nov

Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: anatomical location of effective contacts in the subthalamic area
Journées conjointes de la Société Française de NeuroChirurgie et de la Deutschen Gesellschaft für NeuroChirurgie
2005 may 7

Lack of effect of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls triggered by cold on trigeminal convergent neurons in the anaesthetized rat
7eme colloque de la societe des neurosciences
2005 may 17

Bidirectional modulation of windup by nmda receptors in the rat spinal trigeminal nucleus
european journal of neuroscience, vol. 19, p. 2009--2016

Deep brain stimulation for parkinson's disease: anatomical location of effective contacts in the sub thalamic area
Acta Neurochirurgica
2004 jun 23

Deep brain subthalamic stimulation in parkinson's disease: effect of age
Movement Disorders
2004 jun 13

Mecanismes d'amplification des messages nociceptifs dans le complexe sensitif du trijumeau chez le rat : approche electrophysiologique
journees de l'ecole doctorale des sciences de la vie et de la sante de l'universite d'auvergne
2004 mar 02

Le wind-up des neurones nociceptifs trigeminaux depend de l'activation des recepteurs nk1 situes dans le sous-noyau caudal
6eme colloque de la societe des neurosciences
2003 may 13

No synthesis, unlike respiration, influences intracellular oxygen tension
biochemical and biophysical research communications, vol. 290, p. 97--104

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