Sontheimer Anna
Fonction : | Permanent (CHU) |
Location : | Montpied / Dunand |
Team : | ICCN (TGI) |
Phone : | +33 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
42 publications found2024
An mri deep brain adult template with an advanced atlas-based tool for diffusion tensor imaging analysis
scientific data, vol. 11, p. 1189
2024 nov

Brain color-coded diffusion imaging: utility of acpc reorientation of gradients in healthy subjects and patients
computer methods and programs in biomedicine, vol. 257, p. 108449
2024 oct

Deep brain mri architecture
11th neuro-engineering workshop
2024 nov 7

Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in severe parkinson's disease: relationships between dual-contact topographic setting and 1-year worsening of speech and gait
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 165, p. 1--27
2023 oct 27

Neural correlates of consciousness and related disorders: from phenotypic descriptors of behavioral and relative consciousness to cortico-subcortical circuitry
neurochirurgie, vol. 68, p. 112--122

Disrupted pallido-thalamo-cortical functional connectivity in chronic disorders of consciousness
brain sciences, vol. 11, p. 356
2021 mar

Early deformation of deep brain stimulation electrodes following surgical implantation: intracranial, brain, and electrode mechanics
frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, vol. 9, p. 657875
2021 jun

Increased links between language and motor areas: A proof-of-concept study on resting-state functional connectivity following Personalized Observation, Execution and Mental imagery therapy in chronic aphasia
Brain and Cognition, vol. 148, p. 105659

Neural correlates of rehabilitation program with robot-assisted intensive therapy in one case of Holmes tremor
annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, vol. 64, p. 101411
2021 jun

Resting-State Functional Connectivity following Phonological Component Analysis: The Combined Action of Phonology and Visual Orthographic Cues
Brain Sciences, vol. 11, p. 1458

Risk-taking behaviors of adult bedridden patients in neurosurgery: what could/should we do?
frontiers in medicine, vol. 8, p. 676538
2021 aug

Intraoperative electrophysiology during deep brain surgeries in disorders of consciousness
24th congress, european society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, essfn 2021
2021 sep

Visual hallucinations with disembodiment and self-motion illusion on eye closure after brain cyst drainage: a case report
Neuropsychiatry (London), vol. 09, p. 2029--2034

Glioblastomas extension on dti: prospective and comparative study versus metastases and healthy subjects
3eme journee scientifique commune tgi-ip / mps-iccf / techmed - chu clermont-ferrand
2019 sep 27

Brain diffusion imaging and tractography to distinguish clinical severity of human plp1-related disorders
developmental neuroscience, vol. 40, p. 301--311
2018 sep

Deep brain stimulation in five patients with severe disorders of consciousness
annals of clinical and translational neurology, vol. 5, p. 1372--1384

Inter-individual variations and hemispheric asymmetries in structural connectivity patterns of the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle: a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study
surgical and radiologic anatomy, vol. 40, p. 129--137
2018 feb

Conscious behaviors and deep brain stimulation
3rd dbs and 9th neuro-engineering workshop
2018 feb

Altérations structurelles des relations thalamo-corticales en imagerie par tenseur de diffusion dans le syndrome des Pointes Ondes Continues du Sommeil (POCS) cryptogénique
28e congrès de la Société francaise de neurologie pédiatrique

Application des technologies innovantes dans les etats de conscience alteree : irm fonctionnelle, traitement du langage et charge emotionnelle
colloque 2018, france traumatisme cranien, association nationale des professionnels au service des traumatises craniens
2018 nov 9

Brain diffusion imaging and tractography to distinguish clinical severity of human plp1-related disorders
2ème journèe conjointe TGI MPS Techmed
2018 sep 21

Comportements conscients apres stimulation cerebrale profonde chez cinq patients souffrant de troubles de la conscience severes
colloque 2018, france traumatisme cranien, association nationale des professionnels au service des traumatises craniens
2018 nov

Diffusion quantitative et tractographie chez 35 patients porteurs de maladie de Pelizaeus-Merzbacher et paraplégie spastique de type 2
28e congrès de la société francaise de neurologie pédiatrique

Fmri study of graduated emotional charge for detection of covert activity using passive listening to narratives
Neuroscience, vol. 349, p. 291--302
2017 may

The brainstem and cerebral activation
the brainstem and behavior nova science publishers, inc.

Cerebral quantitative dti and tractography in 25 patients with plp1-related disorders
12th european paediatric neurology society congress
2017 jun

Conscious behaviors following bilateral pallido-thalamic low frequency stimulation in patients with continuing disorders of consciousness
17th quadrennial meeting of the world society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
2017 jun

Conscious behaviors following bilateral pallido-thalamic low frequency stimulation in patients with continuing disorders of consciousness
1ere journee conjointe tgi techmed
2017 sep 22

Imagerie en tenseur de diffusion des relations thalamo-corticales dans le syndrome des pointes ondes continues du sommeil (pocs) cryptogenique
20emes journees francaises de l'epilepsie
2017 oct

Combined dti tractography and functional mri study of the language connectome in healthy volunteers: extensive mapping of white matter fascicles and cortical activations
plos one, vol. 11, p. 1--19
2016 mar

Time-course of myelination and atrophy on cerebral imaging in 35 patients with plp1 -related disorders
developmental medicine and child neurology, vol. 58, p. 706--713

Chronic dbs stimulation of minimally conscious state: methodological issues
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
2016 sep 28

In vivo mapping and comparative analysis of human saccadic eye movement pathways by diffusion tensor mri-based tractography
research in vision and ophthalmology arvo annual meeting
2016 may 1

Variation maps of 18f-fluorodesoxyglucose pet-scans of severe brain injured patients: individual comparison of deep brain stimulation in on and off conditions
xxviith international symposium on cerebral blood flow, metabolism and function \& xiith international conference
2015 jun 27

Le connectome du langage dans le cerveau humain: etude en tractographie et irm fonctionnelle
congres annuel de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise.
2015 dec

Electrical modulation of neuronal networks in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness: a systematic review
annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation, vol. 33, p. 88--97

Cerebral atrophy is linked to clinical severity and worsens with aging in patients with pelizaeus–merzbacher disease and spastic paraplegia type 2
42nd congress of the european society of neurological pediatry, in conjunction with the 20th mediterranean meeting of child neurology
2014 sep 3

Hallucinations visuelles post-operatoires: semiologie du precuneus et du gyrus cingulaire posterieur
congres de la societe francaise de neurochirurgie et de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2014 may 21

Intraoperative visualisation of language fascicles by diffusion tensor imaging-based tractography in glioma surgery
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 155, p. 437--448
2013 mar

Maps of the adult human hypothalamus
surgical neurology international, vol. 4, p. 156--63

Electrical modulation of neuronal networks in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness: a systematic review.
35emes journees de l'association de neuro-anesthesie reanimation de langue francaise
2013 nov 21

Selective cerebral response to autobiographical memory in the persistent vegetative state : a fmri case study
1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics
2012 sep 28

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