Ouchchane Lemlih
Fonction : | Permanent (UCA) |
Location : | Montpied / Dunand |
Team : | DeciSiPH (TGI) |
NUC section : | 46 |
Phone : | +33473178198 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
33 publications found2022
Does legislative framework favors prescription of physical activity in primary care ? The French experience
The Physician and Sportsmedicine, vol. 50, p. 47
Hospital and population-based evidence for covid-19 early circulation in the east of france
int.j.environ.res.publ.health, vol. 17, p. 7175
Temperature Elevation in an Instrumented Phantom Insonated by B-Mode Imaging, Pulse Doppler and Shear Wave Elastography
ultrasound in medicine and biology, vol. 46, p. 3317--3326
Temperature Rise Caused by Shear Wave Elastography, Pulse Doppler and B-Mode in Biological Tissue: An Infrared Thermographic Approach
ultrasound in medicine and biology, vol. 46, p. 325--335
2020 feb
Can the scd test and terminal uridine nick-end labeling by flow cytometry technique (tunel/fcm) be used interchangeably to measure sperm dna damage in routine laboratory practice?
basic and clinical andrology, vol. 29, p. 1
Do estimates of blood loss differ between student midwives and midwives? a multicenter cross-sectional study
midwifery, vol. 59, p. 17--22
2018 apr
Ct patterns of acute type a aortic arch dissection: longer, higher, more anterior.
the british journal of radiology, vol. 90, p. 20170417
2017 oct
Improving image quality of mid trimester fetal sonography in obese: the role the ultrasound propagation velocity
41emes journees nationales du cngof.
2017 dec
Estimation of myocardial strain and contraction phase from cine MRI using variational data assimilation
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 35, p. 442--455
2016 feb
Impact of prenatal diagnosis on the outcome of patients with a transposition of great arteries: a 24-year population-based study
birth defects research part a: clinical and molecular teratology, vol. 106, p. 178--184
2016 mar
Preliminary results for the supervised detection of lumen and stent from oct pullbacks
IRBM, vol. 37, p. 271--275
2016 nov
Automated peroperative assessment of stents apposition from OCT pullbacks
Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 59, p. 98--105
2015 apr
General practitioners' barriers to prescribe physical activity: the dark side of the cluster effects on the physical activity of their type 2 diabetes patients
plos one, vol. 10, p. 10
Persistent neuropathic pain after inguinal herniorrhaphy depending on the procedure (open mesh v. laparoscopy)colon a propensity-matched analysis
canadian journal of surgery, vol. 58, p. 7
Joint myocardial motion and contraction phase estimation from cine MRI using variational data assimilation
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart
2015 sep
Preliminary results for the supervised detection of lumen and stent from OCT pullbacks
2015 mar 25
Annexin a1 in primary tumors promotes melanoma dissemination
clinical and experimental metastasis, vol. 31, p. 12
Spatial heterogeneity of type i error for local cluster detection tests
international journal of health geographics, vol. 13, p. 10
An empiric weight computation for record linkage using linearly combined fields' similarity scores
2014 36th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society, embc 2014
Implementation of an extended fellegi-sunter probabilistic record linkage method using the jaro-winkler string comparator
2014 ieee-embs international conference on biomedical and health informatics, bhi 2014
Statistical shape model for simulation of realistic endometrial tissue
Relationships between gait disorder and Forel's Field during chronic subthalamic stimulation for severe Parkinson's disease
Movement disorders, Abstracts
2010 sep. 22
Does a symmetric setting of right and left contacts around the subthalamic nuclei, influence the occurrence of dysarthria and falls, during chronic stimulation in parkinson's disease?
annual meeting of the ibmisps
2010 may 24
Relations entre positions des contacts droit et gauche par rapport au noyau sous thalamique, dysarthrie et chutes : effet de la symetrie des montages utilises en stimulation chronique sous-thalamique dans la maladie de parkinson idiopathique
congres de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2010 may 26
Contact position analysis of deep brain stimulation electrodes on post-operative ct images
acta neurochirurgica, vol. 151, p. 823--829
New electrophysiological mapping combined with mri in parkinsonian's subthalamic region
european journal of neuroscience, vol. 29, p. 1627--1633
Subthalamic nucleus location: relationships between stereotactic ac-pc-based diagrams and mri anatomy-based contours
stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, vol. 87, p. 337--347
Postoperative control in deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic region: the contact membership concept
international journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, vol. 3, p. 69--77
Brain mapping in stereotactic surgery: a brief overview from the probabilistic targeting to the patient-based anatomic mapping
neuroimage, vol. 37, p. 109--115
Mri anatomical mapping and direct stereotactic targeting in the subthalamic region: functional and anatomical correspondence in parkinson's disease
international journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, vol. 2, p. 75--85
Relations entre anatomie, irm et electrophysiologie dans la region sous-thalamique lors de l'implantation d'electrodes de stimulation cerebrale profonde pour maladie de parkinson idiopathique severe
reunion de la societe de neurochirurgie de langue francaise
2007 nov 25
Comparison between atlas based diagrams used for indirect STN targeting and STN templates determined directly on steretactic MRI
Acta Neurochirurgica
2006 oct. 4
Stimulation electrique a haute frequence du noyau sous thalamique dans la maladie de parkinson severe idiopathique: analyse du site optimal de stimulation a partir des donnees electrophysiologiques per operatoires et de l'irm anatomique stereotaxique
2005 nov
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