100 publications found
Sensitivity to statistical estimation uncertainties and probabilistic model identification
Journées annuelles GDR MASCOT-NUM 2023
A strategy for rib-to-deck crack propagation analysis and strengthening of orthotropic deck bridges
Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 134, p. 106057
Thermal modeling of the occupied multi-zone buildings taking into account the uncertainties of occupant behavior
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 33, p. 1--15
2022 may
Étude de l’influence de l’échantillonnage statistique et des incertitudes d’inférence probabiliste sur la variance d’un estimateur
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, 29 août - 2 septembre 2022
Analyse de la fiabilité en tolérance aux dommages
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Avancée, Nantes, 29 août - 2 septembre 2022
Health indicator learning for predictive maintenance based on a triplet loss and deep siamese network
The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS Congress 2022
Sensitivity analysis of statistical estimation uncertainties and probabilistic model identifcation
Journées annuelles GDR MASCOT-NUM 2022
AK-SYS-t: New Time-Dependent Reliability Method Based on Kriging Metamodeling
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, vol. 7, p. 1
Dimensioning of partially prestressed concrete beams, optimization of T-shaped section with heels
engineering structures, vol. 235, p. 1--15
2021 may
Méthodes adaptatives basées sur le krigeage pour l’évaluation de probabilités de défaillance : focus sur les méthodes AK
6 ISTE Editions ISTE Editions
Dimensioning approach of partially prestressed concrete beams: optimization of t-shaped section with heels
proceedings of the 2020 session of the 13th fib international phd symposium in civil engineering
AK-DA: An efficient method for the fatigue assessment of wind turbine structures
Wind Energy, vol. 22, p. 638--652
Assessing the impact of calculation methods on the variability of young's modulus for hemp concrete material
construction and building materials, vol. 198, p. 332--344
Effect of temperature on the probability and cost analysis of mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in patched aluminium plate
international journal of adhesion and adhesives, vol. 94, p. 53--63
Experimental and numerical study to evaluate the effect of thermostat settings on building energetic demands during the heating and transition seasons
applied thermal engineering, vol. 152, p. 35--51
Probabilistic-based approach using kernel density estimation for gap modeling in a statistical tolerance analysis
mechanism and machine theory, vol. 139, p. 294--309
Statistical tolerance analysis of over-constrained mechanical assemblies with form defects considering contact types
journal of computing and information science in engineering, vol. 19, p. 021010--02101013
Time-dependent reliability analysis of overpacks for high-level radioactive waste
nuclear engineering and design, vol. 352, p. 110156
Actualisation bayesienne avec des donnees experimentales reduites
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Apport de l'agregation de metamodeles pour le calcul de probabilite d'evenements rares
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Etude de fiabilite en fonction du temps de conteneurs de stockage de dechets radioactifs haute activite
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Key characteristics identification based on tolerance allocation by iso-sensitivity
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Application of Time Series Methods on Long-Term Structural Monitoring Data for Fatigue Analysis
SMAR2019 - Fifth Conference On Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation Of Civil Structures
Bayesian updating with reduced experimental data
29th european safety and reliability conference
2019 sep
Experimental and numerical responses of free-standing flexible stacked structures under seismic excitations
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC 2019), Chania (Greece), June 23-26, 2019
2019 jun
Key characteristics identification based on tolerance allocation by iso-sensitivity
17th international probabilistic workshop
2019 sep
On the use of ensembles of metamodels for estimation of the failure probability
UNECOMP 2019 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering
Time-variant Reliability Analysis Based on AK-SYS
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Écoulements capillaires dans une microstructure fibreuse
14ème colloque national en calcul des structures CSMA, 13-17 mai 2019, presqu’île de Giens
Application of AK-SYS method for time-dependent reliability analysis
24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Brest
Comportement expérimental et numérique de structures libres et flexibles sous séismes
Actes du 10ème Colloque National de l'Association Française de Génie Parasismique (AFPS), Strasbourg (Alsace), 24-27 sept. 2019
2019 sep
Methode d'optimisation geometrique renvoyant le point de conception afin d'evaluer la defaillance d'un systeme en parallele
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Time-dependent reliability analysis of radioactive waste overpack in repository conditions
17th international probabilistic workshop
2019 sep
Actualisation bayesienne avec des donnees experimentales reduites
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Analyse de sensibilite pour l’identification des cotes critiques en fabrication de grande serie
6eme journee de la conception robuste et fiable
Application of AK-SYS method for time-dependent reliability analysis
24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Brest
Application of Time Series Methods on Long-Term Structural Monitoring Data for Fatigue Analysis
SMAR2019 - Fifth Conference On Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation Of Civil Structures
Apport de l'agregation de metamodeles pour le calcul de probabilite d'evenements rares
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Bayesian updating with reduced experimental data
29th european safety and reliability conference
2019 sep
Etude de fiabilite en fonction du temps de conteneurs de stockage de dechets radioactifs haute activite
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Key characteristics identification based on tolerance allocation by iso-sensitivity
24eme congres francais de mecanique
2019 aug
Key characteristics identification based on tolerance allocation by iso-sensitivity
17th international probabilistic workshop
2019 sep
On the use of ensembles of metamodels for estimation of the failure probability
UNCECOMP 2019 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering
Time-dependent reliability analysis of radioactive waste overpack in repository conditions
17th international probabilistic workshop
2019 sep
Time-variant Reliability Analysis Based on AK-SYS
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Ak-mcsi: a kriging-based method to deal with small failure probabilities and time-consuming models
structural safety, vol. 73, p. 1--11
Experimental and numerical analyses of variability in the responses of imperfect slender free rigid blocks under random dynamic excitations
engineering structures, vol. 172, p. 891
Multicriteria analysis demonstrating the impact of shiv on the properties of hemp concrete
construction and building materials, vol. 160, p. 211--222
2018 jan
Probabilistic stability analysis of an earth dam by SFEM based on field data.
Computer and Geotechnics, vol. 101, p. 34--47
Reliability assessment and updating of notched timber components subjected to environmental and mechanical loading
Engineering Structures, vol. 166, p. 107--116
Reliability-based sensitivity estimators of rare event probability in the presence of distribution parameter uncertainty
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 178, p. 164--178
Tolerance analysis of a deformable component using the probabilistic approach and kriging-based surrogate models
asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering, vol. 4, p. 04018028
Tolerance synthesis of fastened metal-composite joints based on probabilistic and worst case approaches
Computer-Aided Design, vol. 100, p. 39--51
Uncertainty analysis of occupant behavior and building envelope materials in office building performance simulation
Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 19, p. 434--448
Les methodes ak pour l'analyse de fiabilite – etat des lieux et recents developpements
10eme journee fiabilite des materiaux et des structures, bordeaux
A Kriging based procedure for the certification of wind turbine structures: application to large scale models
The 54thESReDA Seminar on Risk, Reliability and Safety of Energy Systems in Coastal and Marine Environments
A kriging-based method to deal with high dimensional reliability problems
ifip wg-7.5 – reliability and optimization of structural systems, zurich
Bayesian updating with time dependent models
european safety and reliability conference
2018 jun
Cost effective strategy using Kriging surrogates to compute fatigue at multiple locations of a structure: Application to offshore wind turbine certification
12th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2018)
Effect of the manufacturing defects on the reliability of disposal packages for high level radioactive waste
european safety and reliability conference
2018 jun
Modeling natural fiber composites microstructures for predicting their water aging
18th european conference on composites materials
2018 jun
Tolerance analysis - key characteristics identification by sensitivity methods
procedia cirp, vol. 75, p. 33--38
Global sensitivity analysis of a reliability measure under a bi-level uncertainty
Proc. 10ème Journées Fiabilite des Matériaux et des Structures (JFMS 2018), Bordeaux, France, 27--28 mars 2018
Impact des defauts de fabrication sur la fiabilite des conteneurs de stockage de dechets radioactifs de haute activite
10eme journee fiabilite des materiaux et des structures, bordeaux
A Kriging based procedure for the certification of wind turbine structures: application to large scale models
The 54thESReDA Seminar on Risk, Reliability and Safety of Energy Systems in Coastal and Marine Environments
Cost effective strategy using Kriging surrogates to compute fatigue at multiple locations of a structure: Application to offshore wind turbine certification
12th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2018)
Global sensitivity analysis of a reliability measure under a bi-level uncertainty
Proc. 10ème Journées Fiabilite des Matériaux et des Structures (JFMS 2018), Bordeaux, France, 27--28 mars 2018
Nouvelles methodes basees sur le krigeage pour l'analyse de fiabilite – evenements rares et grande dimension
reunion gtr securite et surete des structures de l'institut pour la maitrise des risques
Analysis of the variability of food texture properties: application to the fracturability of dry pet food
journal of texture studies, vol. 48, p. 586--596
Evaluation of failure probability under parameter epistemic uncertainty: Application to aerospace system reliability assessment
Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 69, p. 526--537
Quantification of cohesive fracture parameters based on the coupling of bayesian updating and the boundary element method
engineering analysis with boundary elements, vol. 74, p. 49--60
Investigating hemp concrete mechanical properties variability due to hemp particles
conference proceedings of the society for experimental mechanics series
Medical image processing and numerical simulation for digital hepatic parenchymal blood flow
SASHIMI Workshop in MICCAI 2017
Reliability-based sensitivity analysis of aerospace systems under distribution parameter uncertainty using an augmented approach
Proc. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Vienna, Austria, August 6--10, 2017
The help of metamodels of wind turbine certification
ICCOSAR 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability
Approximation d’intégrales coûteuses par utilisation de métamodèles : Application à la certification en fatigue des structures éoliennes
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Lille
Dispersion de la résistance en fatigue : analyse comparée de différentes approches
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Lille
La famille des methodes ak pour l’analyse defiabilite : synthese des recentes avancees
23eme congres francais de mecanique
Approximation d’intégrales coûteuses par utilisation de métamodèles : Application à la certification en fatigue des structures éoliennes
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Lille
Dispersion de la résistance en fatigue : analyse comparée de différentes approches
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Lille
La famille des methodes ak pour l’analyse defiabilite : synthese des recentes avancees
23eme congres francais de mecanique
Modélisation de la microstructure de composites UD à fibres naturelles pour l’étude de leur durabilité
Reliability-based sensitivity analysis of aerospace systems under distribution parameter uncertainty using an augmented approach
Proc. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Vienna, Austria, August 6--10, 2017
The help of metamodels of wind turbine certification
ICCOSAR 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability
Uncertainty propagation in nonlinear dynamics of ground military vehicles
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017), Rhodes Island, Greece, September 18--20, 2017
Behavior of rigid blocks with geometrical defects under seismic motion: an experimental and numerical study
earthquake engineering \& structural dynamics, vol. 45, p. 2455
Estimation of road profiles variability from measured vehicle response
Vehicle system dynamics, vol. 54, p. 585--605
On the consideration of uncertainty in design: optimization - reliability - robustness
structural and multidisciplinary optimization, vol. 54, p. 1423--1437
2016 dec 01
Quantification of workmanship insulation defects and their impact on the thermal performance of building facades.
Applied Energy, vol. 165, p. 272--284
Variability of the mechanical properties of hemp concrete
materials today communications, vol. 7, p. 122--133
On the consideration of uncertainty in design: optimization - reliability - robustness
vii european congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering
Probabilistic evaluation of the reliability of an embankment dam with respect to sliding based on construction data
10th Icold European Club Symposium 25-30 Octobre 2016 ANTALYA Turquie
On the consideration of uncertainty in design: optimization - reliability - robustness
vii european congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering
Étude probabiliste des propriétés de texture d'un produit alimentaire
9èmes Journées Fiabilité Matériaux Structures JFMS (Nancy, France)
2016 apr.
Method for determining tolerance intervals for dimensioning a part
Fourier based methodology for simulating 2D-random shapes in heterogeneous materials
Computational Mechanics, vol. 56, p. 371--388
An application of stochastic simulation of the study of the variability of road induced fatigue loads
Procedia Engineering, 6th Fatigue Design conference
Experimental and numerical response of rigid slender blocks with geometrical defects under seismic excitation
Proceedings of EVACES'15 - Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Zurich (Switzerland), CDRom (8p.), October 19-21, 2015
2015 oct
Experimental and numerical investigation on the response of rigid slender blocks with geometrical defects under seismic excitation
Proceedings of French-Japanese Symposium on Earthquakes and Triggered Hazards, Orléans (France), September 16-19, 2015
2015 sep
An application of stochastic simulation of the study of the variability of road induced fatigue loads
Procedia Engineering, 6th Fatigue Design conference