Lequievre Laurent
Fonction : | Permanent (CNRS) |
Location : | EUPI Bat. 3/4/L |
Team : | MACCS (ISPR) |
Phone : | +33473407248 |
e-mail : | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Associated publications :
4 publications found2018
Hybrid position/force control with compliant wrist for grinding
mugv 2018 (machines et usinage a grande vitesse) \& manufacturing'21
2018 jun
Real-time multisensor vehicle localization: a geographical information system based approach
ieee robotics and automation magazine, vol. 24, p. 65--74
2017 sep
Tactile control based on gaussian images and its application in bi-manual manipulation of deformable objects
robotics and autonomous systems, vol. 94, p. 148--161
2017 aug
Navigation of multi-robot formation in unstructured environment using dynamical virtual structures
iros'10, ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems
2010 oct
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